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Monday, September 30, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will listen to that still, small voice inside of me called my intuition.  Today I will let my intuition guide me."
We all have intuition.  Many people, however, simply just don't pay attention to it.  There are others who do pay attention to it.
We have intuition for a reason, and that reason is to help us navigate through the daily events that present themselves to us.
If we would just stop in our tracks each time our intuition kicked in and ask ourselves, "What is my intuition trying to tell me?" then we would have the advantage.
So, for today, let your intuition guide you.  Listen for that small voice inside, and follow what it is telling you. 
The more you pay attention to your intuition and follow its lead, the more it will develop and the more helpful it will become. 
Think of it as a muscle.  It is not a muscle, of course, but think of it as one.  The more one exercises the muscle, the stronger it becomes and the more capable it becomes of helping us.  With strong muscles, we can go farther, do more things.  Intuition is like this.  The more we exercise it, pay attention to it, the stronger it becomes, and the farther we can go.
Love and Light,

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