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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will not cry over the past.  Today, I will look to my future."
I have wasted plenty of time crying over spilled milk only to find that crying, although a good purge for a moment, doesn't actually clean up the milk.  The milk just sits there in a puddle until it begins to sour and rot and stink.  So, eventually, I'm crying over globby, rotten, sour, stinky milk.
It's a metaphor, of course, for keeping our attention focused on that which ultimately just rots and makes us sick and no amount of crying is going to clean up the mess.  It is best to acknowledge the spill, clean it up, and move on.
Yes, I know, sometimes we just need to cry.  Cry then, go ahead, but don't forget to stop.  Wipe those tears off of your face, and grab a few metaphoric paper towels, wipe up, and then admire the great job you did. 
Look, we all need to move on at some point or another, and trying to keep things going when, in actually they aren't going anywhere but bad is not a good choice.
Consider the spilled milk in your life and clean it up.  It really is time for you to move on, really, it is.
Turn in over to the Universe and ask Universe to hand you a couple of paper towels.  Universe always comes through. 
In Love and Light-Always,