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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Today's Affirmation:
When I accept the gifts of others, I enrich myself and allow them to be givers."
Yesterday I wrote about being a giver and giving too much, too much that we become depleted. 
Today it is all about receiving.  As givers, we sometimes forget that give and take are a balance.  We are so willing to give, but we have trouble receiving.  Why?  Maybe it is ingrained in us as children not to be selfish, and we think that if we receive, it is selfish.  Whatever the case, receiving is absolutely okay.
If we are going to be givers, then in order to maintain balance, we must also be receivers.  When we receive, we give others the opportunity to give.  It's perfect.
So next time someone offers you a gift, don't hesitate.  Just smile and say, "Thank you so much."  Or as my grandmother used to say, "You didn't have to do that, but I am glad you did!  Thank you."
Love and Light,

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