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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "The Archangel Raguel brings justice and order into my life.  He intercedes for me and defends me.  He helps me to act with fairness to others."

Good morning.

Today is all about justice and fairness. 

It is time to evaluate our positions and scrutinize it for justice and fairness.  The greatest balance that we can achieve is working toward what is right and just.

In the Dark Ages, the general attitude was "Might is Right."  But with the rise of the mythical King Arthur, that attitude began to change.  A new consciousness was prevailing.  That attitude was "Might for Right."  Only a one word difference, but a world apart in philosophy.

Just because we can dominate, doesn't mean we should dominate.  Just because we can supersede others doesn't mean we should supersede them.  Just because we can bring others to their knees, doesn't mean we should bring others to their knees..

There is so much power running amok, so much bending of others to our will.  But power for the sake of power serves no higher purpose.  It causes suffering and widespread destruction, sometimes of nations, sometimes of individuals, but it is all the same.  Misuse and abuse of power is misuse and abuse of power regardless if we're talking about nations or individuals. 

The misuse and abuse of power causes not only great destruction, but it causes an incredible imbalance within ourselves.  It puts us out of harmony. And disharmony is NOT a natural state of being.

Harmony is natural state of being.  Peace is a natural state of being.  Balance is a natural state of being.

Walk through your day today with this task:  Look around you, see where the use of power and control are misused.  Learn from it.  Look around you, see where justice and fairness prevail.

Let these be examples of how to proceed or not to proceed in your own life.  Make it a mission for today to be one who brings harmony, balance, fairness, and justice into the lives of others. 

Think first before verbally slashing others.  Stop yourself from the act of bringing others to their knew. 

Practice Fairness and Justice.  As we all practice these worthy qualities, we tip our own scales back into balance. We will be greatly rewarded by an increase in the quality of our lives.

Everything I have just said represents the occupation of the Archangel Raguel.  He is the Archangel of Justice and Fairness.  His color is pale watery blue and his stone is aquamarine (my birthstone, and a lovely stone, indeed).

Raguel works with other Angelic groups including the Warrior Angels and the Angels of the Principalities  who oversee the consciousness of the planet.

Raguel desires that man use his power and strength to improve his life on earth, not to overcome others and take what is not ours. 

Raguel helps us to resolve our conflicts fairly, and bring justice to all.  It is important to know that Raguel monitors our karmic paths of balance in accordance with righting our wrongs.

He is the patron of those who are falsely accused and unfairly treated.  He is the champion of the underdog, and provides us with opportunities to act fairly. 


"Dear and loving people,

Human consciousness is still in its infancy.  This means that it is still very limited in its scope of vision to see all of the widespread devastation that a misuse of power and authority and control can cause.  Yes, dear hearts, we know that you have observed great  injustice in the world around you, particularly political injustice.  The Universe will hold to account those who support terror and violence and widespread death.  Their karma is that which they alone will answer and be judged accordingly.

For the rest of humanity, do your best to walk a path of balance.  Dispense with meanness.  Dispense with control of others.  Dispense with deliberately causing pain to others.

We understand and have seen that you have often been accused, that you have been the one under duress, that you have been the victim of unfair circumstances, but this is not a reason to return pain for pain.

Rise above these dark tendencies and move forward into the light.

We do not mean for you to lay down your life and be a mat on which others wipe their feet.  No, this is not right either.  Defend yourself against injustice, but do not bring injustice to the lives of others.

Move forward free from the shackles of greed for power and control.  In this way, you will live a life of balance and of harmony.

It is our intention to bring these issues to your attention.  IT is right and just that man move forward in his spiritual evolution.  That he gain a wider perspective and a a more thoughtful conscious=ness.  It is ever our desire to bring these things into the light in hopes that you will embrace them and life your earthly lives in accordance with Divine order.

Be ever blessed, and remember, might is not always right, but might that supports right, is right.

Be blessed today and always.  We are with you.  Now and Forever.

Love and Light,

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