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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Archangel Zadkiel, help me to heal my emotional pain and put to rest my emotional suffering."
The Archangel Zadkiel, "The Righteousness of God" is an Archangel of unlimited compassion.  His color is milky blue and his stone is Lapis Lazuli.
When we are overwrought with self blame and self condemnation, Archangel Zadliel can help us come to terms with those negative and self destructive emotions.  If we have been emotionally scarred by trauma, Zadkiel can heal us.  If we are emotionally confused, tortured, or ill, Zadkiel is the one we can turn to in our despair.  Zadkiel's greatest gift to us is the gift of powerful and miraculous emotional healing.
He will reach into our minds, and with his hands of healing and light, begin to soothe our thoughts and heal our perception and emotional understanding.   He will reach into our hearts and extract the pain we are feeling.  He will touch us so deeply in the center of our emotions that we instantly begin to heal.
Zadkiel is the patron of all who are suffering from emotional trauma, particularly those who have experienced heinous or life altering events.  He is the patron of the abused and the psychologically damaged.  He is the patron of those who are emotionally devastated.
Zadkiel can also help us to heal ourselves of self imposed guilt and blame and condemnation.  He helps us to see the wider interactions of events and understand that although we are a piece of the puzzle, we are not the keystone.  There are many other factors involved in a situation, many we cannot readily see, playing a role in the event.  He is instrumental in encouraging us and assisting us in the safe release of any powerfully strong emotion or memory.
This Archangel can also help us with our memories.  He can help us recall information that has been lost to conscious awareness.  For example, he can bring us to the root of the emotional trauma, whether it is in this lifetime or in a past lifetime. 
He can bring our memories into focus so that we see them clearly and objectively without our emotions clouding our vision.  This is extremely helpful when trying to come to terms with emotional events.  Additionally, he can do the converse by shielding us from traumatic memory in order to protect us so that healing can take place a little at a time.  Sometimes too many memories hitting the conscious mind all at one time is just as traumatizing as the original event.
Zadkiel not only heals memory, he can restore memory.  He is also the patron of those who suffer from amnesia and dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 
He is the Archangel of  unconscious and subconscious information and can help us access information stored in those areas of the brain.  He can help us remember what we have studied, and access information that we have learned, and thus, is especially assistive to those studying for tests and qualifying exams. He is a favorite among college students!
Zakiel speaks:
"My loving brothers and sisters of earth-
The Divine blessed you with memory so that you would not forget who you are and where you came from.    We can help you to access this information and see your true Divinity.  For it is true that you are in the guise of the ALL and the ONE.  Your history goes far back into the past, into the beginning of time, to the core of existence when you were mere sparks, flashes of energy, sparks of light, part of the Divine Whole. 

Your conscious memory cannot hold tall that you have known and all that you have learned in your human history or your soul life, but we can bring that information into your conscious mind if you desire.  The purpose for doing this is to see your soul history and form a deeper understanding of your roots on earth.
We know that not all memory is positive memory.  That many of you have suffered great emotional pain, some, much at the hands of others, and that this pain has clouded your existence and prevented you from moving forward.  It is our intention to help you remove the thorn of emotional pain from your hearts and bring light and healing to that place.
The One and the ALL want you to remember the love and caring and peace that exists in the Universal Source and by healing yourselves of pain and suffering, you can once again attain that perfection.
Cling not to pain.  Cling not to suffering.  Cling not to ignorance.  Bring all into the light and free yourselves of the vines that hold you so tightly to the pain.
Break free from the clinging arms of self condemnation.  Be not seduced by self blame and guilt for these serve NO higher purpose and it is not the intention of the One for you to expend your energy in these pursuits.
Instead, open your hearts and minds and ask for healing and soothing.  If you ask, if you are desirous of this type of healing, we can provide it. 
We would never lead you to a place of danger without resources to combat that danger.  We would not lead you to pain without the skill to separate the pain from the events that caused them.
For man to progress beyond where he is, he must give up that which holds him bound to the physical.  Never be afraid to progress because of fear and pain of emotions.
Ask us, dear brothers and sisters of Light, and we will reach into your very being and pull out the pain and clarify the meaning of the event that caused it.
Through this deeper understanding, you begin to see the lessons of the Universe and begin to more clearly see where your lessons have led you -closer to your return to the One Universal Source.
Be well now and always.  Call upon us we are here for you.  Be blessed and be well.
Love abounds, embrace it.  ........................"
Love and Light,

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