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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today's Affirmation
 "Today, I will work toward simplifying my life."
Every once in a while it is important for us to do a little spring cleaning, not of our homes or garages or attics or basements, but of ourselves.
We need to open up the dark and cobwebby places and clean out those things that are cluttering our lives.  Well, just like house cleaning, it is easy for us to say, "I'll do it tomorrow or next week or next month."  But the longer we go without a good self spring cleaning, the more clutter accumulates.

Sometimes we need to take a good look at all the things that we are juggling in our lives and decide which of those things can go.  Henry David Thoreau wrote, "Simplify!  Simplify!  Simplify!"

We convince ourselves that every single pie we have our fingers in is absolutely necessary, that if we don't do it, then it won't get done.  We talk ourselves into responsibilities that are not ours (thanks to our good old fashioned, firmly ingrained work ethic).  We take on much more than is necessary. 

As a result, we become thinned out, stressed out, locked in, boxed in.  In Fellowship of the Ring by Tolkien, the character of Bilbo Baggins comments to Gandalf the Gray, "I feel stretched, thin, like butter over too much bread."  How perfect is this description!  That is exactly how it feels when we are overburdened!

It's a clue.  It is time to reevaluate what the heck we are doing and shave off the excess.  It is time to finally take care of ourselves and say, "No thank you" the next time someone asks if we would be willing to take on another project or another task.  And we shouldn't  feel guilty about it either. 

We all deserve a healthy and balanced life, and in order to move toward that health and balance, we need to make some decisions about what is absolutely necessary and what we can let go of.

So, for today, begin taking a good look and start your own personal self spring cleaning project.  You owe it to yourself!

In Love and Light,


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