NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, December 9, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"I will cultivate my talents and capabilities for the highest good of all concerned, in accordance with Divine knowledge, wisdom, and law."

Some people think that seeing the future or being able to "read people's minds" (no such thing.  there is only reading people's energy) is so very cool, but there is a huge responsibility that comes with having capabilities to read energy and see the implications of people's choices or see the outcome of events already set in motion. 

There are definite positives in the whole business, like giving people the information they need to move forward with their lives or make better informed choices or take better precautions or confirm the path that a person is traveling. 

There are some negatives as well; reading something hurtful in someone's energy or seeing a negative consequence or painful event, or knowing that someone's burden will get heavier can be difficult.

But when one works with energy, one must be able to take the positive with the negative; one must be able to create a balance between what one sees and how one transmits that information.

I cannot stress enough that no matter what, one must always "read" for another person's HIGHEST GOOD and the highest good of all concerned in the situation.  I cannot stress enough how vital it is to diplomatically and gently transmit the information or reinforce the positive in all information.

For myself, I made my commitment to Universe and to having capabilities to read energy with some personal guidelines:   (1) I would work from a strong spiritual base-for their highest good and highest good of all concerned, (2) I would only provide information that would help a person move forward on his/her physical/emotional/mental/spiritual path, (3)  I would always try to give the best guidance that I could,  (4) I would never violate someone's personal privacy and would wait to be invited/asked to provide information for them, (5) I would work with the person's spirit guides, loved ones who have passes over,  and any other angelic/celestial assistance who can assist the person in his higher path, (6)  I would always work from a place of love and light and respect for a person, (7) I would never use the capabilities with which I am blessed for any hurtful or negative purpose, (8)  I would never seek out information that Universe did not want me to have, (9)  I would always be humble and not sensationalize my talents and capabilities.

So, my dear friends,  if you have a capability to "see" things, yes, please, cultivate your capabilities, but cultivate them for the best possible reason and the best possible outcome.  Be mindful of the responsibilities that you have.  Be clear with yourself about why you are cultivating your talents and for what purpose you will use them.

In Love and Light,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will emotionally detach from those people and events that cause me distress."
When we are faced with or experiencing circumstances that cause us a tremendous amount of stress or turbulent emotions, and we can't manage the situation any other way, it may be time to just DETACH from it.
Emotionally detaching puts distance between us and the situation.  It's a coping mechanism that helps us to protect ourselves from emotional duress. 
When we detach, it's like moving back a few steps to get out of the energy field of the situation.  It allows us a  more objective perspective, and thus, it makes it a little easier to see the situation for what it is and to remain unaffected by it.
It is not always so easy to do this;  it requires a strong focus and lots of talking to ourselves.
What I do is simply repeat over and over again to myself, "Detach.  Detach.  Detach.  Detach.  Detach."  And then I visualize myself moving back, stepping back our of range of emotional entanglement.
So, if you are feeling caught up in the riled up emotion of the situation, then just breathe and detach.  Keep at it and don't give up; before you know it, you will master your emotion and be able to clearly see and manage the situation-without being tied up in knots.
In Love and Light,

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will carefully monitor my words to others and bite back hurtful words."
There are those days when people just piss us off and we want to strike back with our words and hurt them.  Sometimes we let ourselves go; we lose control over ourselves and our mouths and the words just come spewing out and drench anyone in their path.  (Been there, done that.)
But we need to remind ourselves that this brings no ultimate satisfaction or positive results.  Instead, when this does happen to us, after it is over, we feel horrible, ashamed, guilty. 
What is the best way to handle the situation?  Breathe and let it go.  Harder than we think to do sometimes.  For myself, I need to ask my Higher Power to take it away and make something good out it.  The negative can always be turned into something positive as long as we have a willingness to create it and let it happen.
Also, do a self check.  If this has happened, what needs within yourself are not being met?  What is at the root of the frustration?  Just recognizing the root can help us to come to terms with it.
So for today, monitor your words.  Think carefully before you speak-gauge your words for clarity, accuracy, self advocacy, and diplomacy.
In Love and Light,

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be patient and remind myself that all things happen precisely when they need to."
It is super hard to be patient, especially when it is something we want very much.  Making something happen before its time is like a farmer going out to his field and tugging on his crops to make them grow faster.
So, for today, breath deeply and steel yourself until the time is right for what you want to manifest into reality.
In Love and Light,

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I am thankful for the people, the home, the table around which we shall gather."
A Thanksgiving Prayer
Father God, Mother Goddess-
Thank you for all of the blessings you have brought into my life.  Thank you for the abundance of food on my table.  Thank you for the hands that made the food-bless them.  Thank you for the table around which we sit-may it continue to be a gathering place and a place of abundance. 
Thank you for the people sitting around my table today;may then continue to enrich my life-bless them.  Thank you for the love of my family and friends-bless them.  Thank you for the home in which we gather today-bless it and keep it safe. 
Thank you for all the gifts and blessings that nourish my body, mind, and spirit.  Amen.
In Love and Light,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I am grateful for all things.  I am grateful for the people I know and love, the home in which I live, and the job that allows me to make the money to afford to live a safe and decent life."
Here in the States, tomorrow we will be celebrating one of our most important holidays:  Thanksgiving.  It is a time to remember the first settlers who came to the colonies and eked out a living from a harsh land.  It is a time to remember to show gratitude and be thankful for the lives we were given.  It is time to look around us and see all of the beauty and love and blessings that are part of our lives. 
So, dear friends, whether you live in the States or not, there is never a bad time to look around you and be thankful for all the gifts that Universe has seen fit with which to bless you.
Go forward into this day with this in your mind:  Be thankful for all things.
In Love and Light,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"What is past is past; I am starting over right now."
Salutations and good morning!
Sometimes our day just doesn't turn out the way we wanted it to.  Issues arise, things go wrong.  We are off our mark.  We don't respond appropriately.  But the day does not have to proceed negatively.
We can start over at any time.  We don't have to wait until the next day.  Just stop yourself in your tracks.  Just stop.  Close your eyes.  Take a few deep breaths, and tell yourself, "What is past is past.  I am starting over right now."  Then open you eyes.  Keep telling yourself, "Right now is a new beginning."
Then move on with your day with all the negative issues and events behind you.  Move forward with confidence and with the mindset that wonderful possibilities are out there just waiting for you.
In Love and Light,

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today's  Affirmation
"Today I will have an attitude of gratitude."
Why is it that we feel most compelled to only think about our blessings and gifts when it comes to the Thanksgiving season?  Good question.
We should look around us more often and see the wonderful people for whom we are grateful.  We should look around us at the natural world and be appreciative of the blue sky and tall trees and the running water and the green grass.  We should feel gratitude for being able to see the leaves change on the trees and the beauty of the first snowfall.
We should look around our personal lives and be thankful for the homes we live in and the car we drive and the job we have that allows us to make the money we need to live comfortably.

Everyday should be a day of thanksgiving.  For today, I will more clearly focus on those things for which I am grateful.  I will see, with more aware eyes, the blessings of the Universe in my life.

In Love and Light, today and always,

Friday, November 15, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"No matter what happens today, I will remain undaunted and steadfast."
Unsavory and unexpected events happen all the time, and some of them are very upsetting; we cannot avoid these events.  What we can do, however, is to remain clam and in control of our emotions; we can remain steadfast in our resolve to view the events objectively and unemotionally.
This is not always easy; in fact, it is rarely easy.  But can we do it?  Indeed, we can.    Just breathe.  Take a moment to center and ground yourself.  Close your eyes, and tell yourself, over and over and over agtin, "I can do this.  I can handle this."
In your imagination, see the situation from far away, as if it were off in the distance.  By doing this, it is easier to see the situation from a larger perspective, and thus, you may be able to see influences that you oculd not see when the situation was too close in front of you.
Be calm and steadfast today, no matter what events present themselves.
Have a wonderful day filled with light and love and happiness.
In the name of all the gods and goddesses at once,

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will rejoice and be glad."
One of my favorite lines from the Bible is "This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad."
What I love so much about this line is its inherent truth.  Each day is a gift from the Universe.  It is a day to love our family and friends, a day to appreciate all the gifts that we have, a day to walk with our heads up and be aware that we are breathing and alive! 
Each day is a miracle, it is a smile, an embrace.  Each day is an opportunity to learn something new and to pass on that knowledge and wisdom.  Each day is an exploration of ourselves and the world around us.
So, indeed, it is day to rejoice and be glad.  Indeed it is.  So, as for myself, I will constantly remind myself today, that I am breathing, that I am alive.  And that is worthy of rejoicing over.
Have a day filled with rejoicing and gladness!
In Love and Light,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I am beautiful and wonderful."
So often we have measured ourselves against others and concluded that we are not as thin, beautiful, smart, innovative, worthy, competent, deserving as they are.
But that IS a LIE.  We are all that we are intended to be and more!  We are exactly where we need to be at this very moment, at any moment.
So, for today, STOP comparing yourself to others and embrace the beauty and wonder of who you are and what you have to offer the world.
You are, today and everyday, beautiful and wonderful!!
In Love and Light,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will keep myself safe and protected from the negativity of others."
We have all been in the presence of those people who are negative, who complain constantly, who never seem satisfied, who look for misery, and unconsciously, thrive on it. 
We also have been in the presence of those who  crave power and control, who need to run the show and everybody in it, and will force their will on others because they can, because they are in a position of leadership or authority.
Additionally, we also have been in the presence of those who are just plain mean and hurtful and bitter and angry.
These are the people we need to protect ourselves from because we often can become their target or collateral damage when the situation erupts.
But how?  How can we protect ourselves from such negativity?  It is even possible to safeguard ourselves from this negativity and come through their fire unscathed?
Yes.  Yes, it is possible.  There are a few techniques that you employ to keep yourself safe and keep the grossness of these people away form you.  Here are a few.  Choose one that suits your situation.
(1)  Bubble of Protection-Imagine yourself completely surrounded, encased in a giant bubble, like an iridescent soap bubble for example.  This giant protective bubble is flexible but extremely strong.  Any negativity that is sent your way will bounce off the bubble and return to the person who sent it. 
(2) Black Silk Wrap-Visualize the negative or threatening person who has made you his/her target.  Now visualize a  long sheet of flowing black silk.  Black is a highly effective color, because it is so dense, in containing and limiting negative energy.  Begin wrapping the person completely in the sheet of black silk.  This is intended to contain the negativity of the person and causes the person no harm.  Remember, we always want to work for the highest good of ourselves and others.  We never want to cause pain or suffering or harm to others.
(3)  Shrink and Bag-Visualize the person that is causing you distress.  In your imagination, shrink this person down to a tiny size.  This diminishes their negative influence.  Then see yourself picking up this tiny person and putting the person in a black velvet drawstring bag.  Pull the drawstrings tight to ensure the person does not fall out and that the negative energy does not escape.  Now, Tie a helium filled balloon, preferably a white or purple one or perhaps both, to the bag.   Let go of the bag and the balloon.  Let them float up into the sky, into the Universe far, far away from you, and thus, can cause no harm to you.
Keep in mind that all of these techniques are intended to help you, to safeguard you, and not intended as harm to the other person or people.  Always work with the highest of intentions and goodness from your heart.
In Love and Light,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will live my life without fear."
The single greatest factor that prevents us from living our lives to the fullest and from reaching our true potential, is fear.
Fear is the insidious, manipulative demon that creeps up on us unawares and foils our plans and destroys our dreams.
Recognizing fear for what it is helps us to move beyond it.  Exploring exactly what it is that holds us back is not always easy; sometimes we are forced to confront our deepest insecurities.  But once those insecurities are exposed, we can heal them.
Deep seated fear is an infection that festers deep within us, deep within the very core of our entire existence, and it pollutes everything that we do and prevents us from achieving a true present and true happiness.
Seeing the nature of our fear and what causes us to be fearful allows us the opportunity to heal it and to move on with our personal and spiritual progress, and thus, achieve a level of confidence and happiness.
So, today, be courageous.  Face what makes you afraid.  Ask the Universe for Divine assistance in confronting those fears and healing those fears.  Imagine what your life would be like if you weren't afraid?  Amazing!!!!!!
My dear friends, live life courageously today.  Do at least one thing that moves you out of your comfort zone. 
Master your fear instead of letting fear master you.
In Love and Light, Now and Always,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"I will be much more aware of the choices I make.  Today I will choose more wisely."
What is the secret of life?
Some say it is Love.  Some say Happiness. 
And although both are good choices, both are incorrect.  A secret is called a secret because the answer is hidden or because it is thought to be hidden. 
Love is not the secret because we all know how important love it and the tremendous impact it has on our lives.  Love is A key to living a healthy life, but it is not THE key.
The same is true for Happiness; we recognize the importance of Happiness and most of us strive to achieve it.  It is no secret; A key, yes, but THE key, no.  Happiness is a byproduct.
So if Love is not the secret of life and Happiness is not the secret of life, then what is?
Well, the answer is so simple, so simple, that most people would never recognize it as the answer or believe it is the answer. Why?  Because we expect that the answer will be glamorous and that the sky will open and legions of angels will play trumpets to introduce it. 
But No, the sky will not open.  No,  the legions of angels will not play trumpets and descend from heaven.  Nor will rainbows or leprechauns appear with pots of gold. 
Those that want that type of introduction or answer, will not even believe that the answer is the true answer.
So what is the true answer? 
The true answer is recognizing the relationship between cause and effect.  Recognizing that choices exist that that we have the free will to choose.  Recognizing that each choice we make has a ripple effect throughout the Universe.  Recognizing that each choice we make leads us in a certain direction and that that direction also has choices to make.  Recognizing that our entire lives is simply a series of choices and the outcomes of those choices.
Knowing this, embracing this, makes us realize how thoroughly responsible we are for the course of our own lives.  It puts the responsibility for our own lives in our own hands. 
Yes, I know, what about those things that we cannot control?  There are plenty of things that happen that we have no control over, but that does not mean we are helpless.  What we do have control over is HOW we address those things we have no control over.  It is about the choices we make about what we do with those uncontrollable forces, how we react, how we treat the situation, how we think and respond.  These are the things that we can control.
I know what you are saying.  You are saying, "Robin, that isn't the true answer.  That can't be the true answer.  It's not glamorous or earth shattering." 
And that , dear friends, is why it IS the answer.  Because people don't want to believe it is.  That is what makes it hidden, that is what makes it a secret.  Because people reject it as the true answer.  Because people are looking for something else, something different.  Something Hollywood.
But when we stop and think-maybe for the first time-that every choice we make has an outcome, good or bad, we begin to see the pattern of our lives, the pattern of the universe unfolding.  We see the greater connection between all things.  We see that nothing exists in isolation That all things are connected in a pattern and that pattern is reliable.
I never thought I would ever say this in my entire life, but here it is:  it is a matter of physics.  All things boil down to this simple truth:  For every action, there is an equal reaction.
So, think deeply upon this newly gained secret of life.  Use it a measure for your own life.  Contemplate the choices you make with greater care.  Embrace the idea. And see if it does not make a difference in the way you chose to live your life.
Go in Peace and Love and Light.  Go with the God of your choice.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will carefully consider the road I am on.  Today I will carefully choose the road I want to take."
Greetings to you, this Tuesday morning!
This morning I would simply like to share one of my favorite poems by one of my favorite poets, Robert Frost. 
Maybe because I am a New England girl.  Maybe because it is autumn and the cooler air is running through my veins.  Maybe because Robert Frost seems appropriate this morning. 
Or maybe because yesterday I wrote about roads, and so roads are in my mind today.  Or maybe I want to share this poem because of all the above.
Is it so important to know the reason of things all the time?  Sometimes the reason is not important.
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will remember that each of us has his own road to travel.  Today I will be patient and compassionate with other people's roads."
Good Monday Morning!!!
In times of lack of patience, it is because those with whom we are dealing aren't doing what we want them to do.  When we lose our patience, it's about our own agenda, not their, and therein lies the problem.
When others don't respond the way WE want them to or the way WE think they should, then, BAM, out of patience.
But we need to remember that each of us has his own road to walk and our road is not necessarily another person's road.  There are lessons to learn in each road for each of us.
Sometimes, we need to refocus and pull our attention toward ourselves, and let others travel the road they were meant to travel.  Sometimes we need to detach from them and let them go the road alone to learn what needs to be learned.  Sometimes we need to support their road even though we don't like the road or approve of the road. 
Sometimes a person's road has nothing to do with us.  It's a road that they NEED to travel because there is something they need to learn or accomplish.  Sometimes we need to be compassionate and understanding about the other person's chosen road, especially if we are in close relationship with him or her.
Let's focus on our own roads today, and let others focus on theirs.  Our journey will be far less stressful and we will experience far less frustration.
Go always in Light and Love.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will look for and follow the signposts of the Universe.  I will trust my Higher Power."
The Crown Chakra is located just above the top of the head.  It is violet in color, but can also be seen as white or golden.  The Crown Chakra is our connection the celestial realm, our Higher Power, the collective unconscious, the Universe. 
The Crown chakra govern our thought processes and the brain.  It can be expanded through meditation.  The more we meditate and focus on this chakra, the more we forge the pathways into the Universe.  Think of the chakra as the elevator that goes to the top floor or beyond the top floor.
The Crown chakra is commonly seen pictures depicting the holy family, saints, angels.  It appears as a halo around the head. 
In order to develop this chakra and remove blockages to higher thought and Universal connection, try this exercise:
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap.
Close your eyes.
Breathe-in through the nose and out through the mouth-breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and exhale for a count of three.   Repeat this breathing for the duration of this exercise.
Now, using your imagination, visualize the bright orb of the sun.  See it clearly in your mind's eye.  From this large, radiating orb, a mall spec of light detaches and travels toward you.  It floats closer to you until it comes to a sop over the top of your head.
Now, visualize the speck of light growing and growing until it encompasses the whole of the top of your head, like a halo.
Visualize the top of your head opening.  Visualize anything that is no longer applicable to your personal and spiritual growth exiting the top of your head, moving through the light and floating into the Universe until it reaches the sun where it is absorbed.  It will be recycled into positive energy and positive thought and return to you.
Release outmoded thoughts and beliefs, release negative thoughts, release blockages to spiritual progress.  release blockages to a keener more powerful connection to your Higher Power and the celestial realm.
Once all the needs releasing is released, let the light of the sun/the light of Universe shine down into the crown chakra and fill it thoroughly and completely.  Let it fill to overflowing. 
Once the crown chakra is full of light, close the top of your head.
Know that your Crown chakra is cleaned and healed and sealed. 
Rely on the knowledge that your Higher Power, the Universe will guide you on your chosen path.  You will be more aware and capable of seeing the signs along your path that lead you to your personal and spiritual destination.
Have a wonderful day, everyone!
In Love and Light Always,

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will use my inner vision to see and sense the world around me."
The Third Eye is called the third eye because it is from this invisible eye that we see that which we cannot see with our physical eyes.  The Third Eye is our view into dreams and into the ethereal and spiritual world.  It is our psychic eye or our sixth sense. 
The Third Eye is positioned directly in the middle of the forehead and is indigo in color. When it is open and healthy, it is vibrant and sparkly, but if it is blocked or closed, then it will appear very dark as to appear almost black.
It is from this center that we can see what is not readily available through physical eyes.  We can see and sense those things that are subtle, that exist in vibration but not necessarily in concrete reality.
From this powerful center we can access information and "read" energy.  We can pick up this information from places, from people, objects such as photographs or jewelry.  We can see into the future realm what the possibilities hold (just remember the future depends on what we do in the present).
It is also the center from which we view ourselves in relation to others and in relation to humanity and the planet.
When our Third Eye is blocked or clogged, our dreams may be fuzzy, vague, disjointed or we may not remember our dreams, we also may not believe that we dream (just because you have no recollection of dreaming does not mean you have not dreamed).
Also, if this center is blocked, then our capability to pick up subtly and sense information is diminished.  If this center is blocked, then we are inhibited from seeing the connection among the events our lives and our connections to others.
Try this exercise to help clear out the Third Eye and bring your sharpen vision into focus.
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap.
Close your eyes.
Breath deeply-in through the nose and out through the mouth-breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and release for a count of three.  Repeat this breathing throughout the exercise.
Now focus on the middle of your forehead.  Bring all of your attention to the middle of your forehead.  This is where your Third Eye resides.
Using your imagination, picture a closed camera shutter.  Little by little begin opening it.  Take your time.  Let is open slowly, bit by bit. 
As it begins to open, that which is no longer appropriate to your personal and spiritual growth will be released.  It will exit as smoke or fog or steam or dirty water or any other image that you choose to be appropriate and effective for you.
As it continues to open to its full potential, more and more of the stale energy that was trapped in this chakra is let go.
Let go of old, outmoded patterns of thought and behavior, let go of antiquated philosophies and beliefs that no longer serve you.  Let go out outdated visions and ideas that have kept you from making personal, spiritual, emotional, intellectual progress.
Open your third eye to release all that no longer serves you and all that is currently holding you back from reaching your full potential.
Let it all go.  Let it just float away, float up into the Universe to be recycled. 
When all that needs release has been released, let a beam of bright, warm, radiant sunlight shine on your forehead.  Let the beam of light enter your third eye.
Let this warm and radiant beam of bright sunlight shine deep into the third eye chakra and burn away the last of the blockages to progress.  Feel the last of these blockages melting away, leaving the third eye chakra clean and clear.
Now fill this center with the sunlight.  Fill it totally and completely.  Fill it until it is overflowing with light and cannot possible hold any more.
Once your third eye chakra is completely filled to overflowing, begins slowly closing it.  Remember the camera shutter.  Slowly let the shutter close until it is completely shut, housing all the bright light inside.
Your Third Eye is not cleaned and sealed and healed.
The light you have placed in the third eye will illuminate your thoughts, enhance your dreams, and increase your capabilities to sense the subtleties around you.
Begin coming into your conscious awareness and take a few deep breaths, stretch your body, wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.
Go with the God of your choice today and always.
In Love and Light,

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's Affirmation
 "Today I will be more conscious of the words I speak.  I will make an effort to communicate honestly and kindly."
Good morning and Happy Halloween!!
The throat is positioned over the throat is blue.  It is our center for communication-not only with others, but with ourselves as well.  This chakra governs truth and honesty, and it can also house denial-a lack of truth and honesty with ourselves.
Physically, the throat chakra governs the throat, esophagus, the mouth, the larynx.  People who experience issues in these areas such as reflux, most probably have a blockage in the throat chakra.
When this chakra is healthy, the blue is vibrant and rich, but when blockage occurs, it can be varying shades of darker blue, that range toward deep midnight blue, almost black (worst case scenario).
In order to improve throat chakra health, try this exercise:
Sit comfortable with your fee flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap. 
Close your eyes. 
Breathe-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breath in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and then exhale for a count of three.  Breathe in this way for the duration of this exercise.
Now using your imagination, visualize a small pin prick of blue light in the distance.  Focus on this spot of blue light.
Now see this pin prick of blue light traveling toward you.  As it comes closer, it grows in size until it is about he size of a tennis ball.  As it comes closer, the color becomes more pronounced until it takes on its natural shade.
Let this blue light come closer and closer until it is right in front of you.  This  blue ball of light represents your throat chakra.  Now let the blue tennis ball-sized ball of light permeate your throat until it rests directly in the middle of the throat.
This chakra contains a way to open it-a latch or zipper or button or lock and key or any other method that is appropriate and comfortable for you.
Open the throat chakra.
Release any blockages to honest communication and kind words.  Let go of hurtful words that others have said to you.  Let go of  sarcasm.  Let go of self denial.  Let go of criticism-of yourself and others.  Let go hateful words that you have stored there. 
Let your throat unclench and release any and all blockages to communication.  See the blockages and harmful words leaving the throat as smoke or fog or mist or dirty water.  Let it rise into the sky until you can no longer see it.
Now imagine that you are standing under a blue and beautiful cloudless sunny sky and the sun is shining down of you.  Tilt your head back and let a beam of white, warm, and bright sunlight shine on your throat. 
Let the sunlight penetrate this chakra filling it completely with warm, white light.  Let the white light pour into this chakra until it is completely full and overflows.
Now using the latch, zipper, button, lock and key, or any other appropriate method, close this center securely.
Know that your throat chakra is clean and healed and sealed.  Know that it is now as it should be.  Know that the Universe supports your healing and that the Universe will guide your words.  Know that you can support yourself with honest words and kind words.
Now, when you feel ready, stretch your body and open your eyes.
Have a lovely day.  Enjoy your new communication skills.  Have a wonderful Halloween!
In Love and Light,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will open my heart to the unconditional love of the Universe."

Good morning to you.  Today we continue our series on the chakras.
The heart chakra is exactly where the name implies-over the heart.  This energy center is green and governs our emotions.  When the heart chakra is completely healthy, it is a vibrant green, like emerald, but when it needs repair, it can appear as a range of darker greens.
The heart chakra houses our feelings towards others and particularly those with whom we are in relationship.  Nothing will turn a heart chakra dark green like bitterness, so it is best to work on our negative feelings towards others so that we can regain our emotional health.
Additionally, this chakra also houses our love for ourselves, because it is very close to the solar plexus, our heart chakra can be influenced by our self image and in some cases, it can harbor all levels of self-dislike/self-hatred. 
To remove any lingering feelings of bitterness and resentment toward ourselves and others, forgive ourselves and others, and to open our hearts to true Universal Love and work toward self acceptance, try this exercise:
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor.  Rest your hands in your lap.  Close your eyes.
Breathe-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breathe in for a count of three.  Hold for a count of three.  Exhale for a count of three.  Continue this breathing technique for the remainder of the exercise.
Use your imagination to see a green glowing heart in the are of your chest that contains your heart.  See the green heart pulsing with energy.  Make note of the shade of green.  This will indicate the level of blockage in this chakra. 
Don't be afraid or disappointed if the heart chakra is not bright green.  Just go with it.
Imagine that this green heart has a latch, zipper, button, lock and key, or any other way that it can be opened.
Open it now.  As it opens, it immediately begins to release whatever has clogged and blocked the heart from healthy emotion.
Let the heart release the blockage.  Let it flow out of the heart.  Visualize the release as smoke or steam or fog or dirty water or whatever image feels comfortable for you.
As the blockage releases, let it rise up and away from you.  Imagine it going up into the sky, traveling upward through the earth's atmosphere and into the universe, into the cosmos where it disperses into miniscule bits.
Say this, "I release all blockages to love, self acceptance, and forgiveness.  I forgive myself and those who have hurt me.  I understand that harboring bitterness, anger, and resentment toward myself and others will make me ill, and I let it go."
Now, picture the green glowing heart getting brighter and brighter, filling with light, filling and filling, getting brighter and brighter until it is shining and pulsing with light.
Now say this, "I accept the unconditional love of the Universe.  I accept all of myself, faults and all.  I love and nurture myself, faults and all."
Now close the heart using the latch, zipper, button, lock and key, or whatever method you used to open the heart.
Know that within this heart chakra is bright and healing energy and that your heart will continue to heal over time.  Know that the Universe supports your emotional growth and love you unconditionally.  Embrace this knowledge.
Now, take a few deep breaths, stretch and open your eyes.
Go forth today with love in your heart and a smile on your face.  All good things happen through love.
In Love and Light,


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be mindful of my solar plexus.  Today I will follow my intuition and do what is right for my own personal and spiritual growth and progress." 
The solar plexus chakra is positioned over the solar plexus.  If you feel where your ribs join in the front, the solar plexus is right below that.
This chakra is yellow.  In good health, it is bright and shiny yellow.  But when it is over full, clogged, stagnant, it can appear mustard yellow to a brown-gold in color.
The solar plexus is the area that our intuition lets us know that it is working.  I am sure that you have heard the expression, "gut feeling."  This is because even though our intuition is multi-sensory, it signals us in that center of energy.
The solar plexus also is our center for storing memories and experiences both from this lifetime and previous lifetimes.  It also functions as our center for self worth, self esteem, self image-all of which are formed through our childhood and adult experiences.
This chakra also governs the stomach, and when this chakra is ill, then problems with the stomach can occur.  Those with severe or chronic stomach issues, most probably are storing lifetimes of trauma that have negatively impacted their view of themselves.
In order to keep the solar plexus in good working order and to release any energy that is no longer needed or beneficial, try this short exercise.
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting comfortably in your lap.
Close your eyes.
Take some deep breaths-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and exhale for a count of three.  Repeat this breathing throughout this exercise.
Imagine a beautiful sunny day with a blue sky.  Not a cloud in the sky. 
See the sun yellow, vibrant, radiant, shining above you in the blue sky.
Raise your face to the sun.  Feel its warmth shining on you.  Feel your whole body encompassed in the sun's light and warmth.  Feel safe and wonderful surrounded by the warm, bright light of the sun.
Now focus on the sun itself, focus on the bright, yellow, warm orb in the sky above you.  Let that bright, yellow, warm energy flow toward your solar plexus in a concentrated beam of light.
Feel the beam of the sun's light and warmth penetrating your solar plexus, going deep, deep inside of you until it reaches your solar plexus chakra-a tennis ball sized, center of yellow energy.
As the sun's rays enter the solar plexus, the solar plexus begins to open and any negativity, stagnation, or outmoded views of yourself, childhood fears and images begin to burn away.
Let the sun's light continue to burn away, like a laser, anything in the solar plexus chakra that is no longer appropriate to your personal and spiritual progress at this moment. 
You can visualize the release of the old as either the melting of ice or the shattering and floating away of glass.  You can imagine it in any way that is seemly and appropriate to you.
When you feel that enough old, outmoded, negative energy has been released, then let the sun's beam fill the empty space.  Let it fill till overflowing, until it cannot possibly hold any more light.
Then, close the chakra and let the sun's ray return to the sun.
Know that what was necessary to release has been released and you are now lighter, healthier, and freer.
Go with the god of your choice today.
In Love and Light,

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will celebrate my creative self and take opportunities to be creative."
Good morning to you!  This morning we continue our series on the chakra system.
This chakra can also be called the belly chakra or the navel chakra because it is located just below the belly button.  It is orange in color.  When it is healthy, it is vibrant like an orange, but when it is clogged or too full, it can range from deep orange to a brown.
The sacral chakra oversees our reproductive system, fertility, creativity, and the "chi"-the life force (the "chi" in tai chi).  Although creative ideas are born in our heads, they are manifested through the sacral chakra.  If we are working on a creative project, looking for a creative solution, implementing a creative process, or working toward manifesting our ideas into reality, we work with the color orange, and work through our sacral chakra.
Folks who suffer from difficulties in the reproductive organs may be doing so because of a serious issue in the sacral chakra, primarily, the lack of movement.  Each chakra spins, as I mentioned the other day, but if a chakra is stagnant and barely moving, then energy has built up but not been released.  This is what causes the clog.
In severe cases, the clog has been building for lifetimes  o if we want to manifest effectively, if we want to continue to be creative, then we need to ensure the health of our sacral chakra.
You can use yesterday's exercise with the dot of light, this time using orange, OR you can try this short exercise to drain the sacral chakra of negative energy, clear out stagnant energy, and restore it to full health:
Sit comfortable with your feet flat on the floor.  Rest your hands in your lap.  Close your eyes.
Take deep breaths-in through the nose and out through the mouth. 
Breathe in for three, hold the breath for three, and then exhale for three.  Repeat this until you feel relaxed and at peace.
Now , focus on your belly button.  Imagine that your belly button is filled with orange light, that it is surrounded with orange light-about the size of a tennis ball.  Move the orange ball of light down from your belly button about 2 inches.  This is the correct placement for the sacral chakra.

Imagine that the orange ball of light has a latch, zipper, button, lock and key-something that allows you to open the ball of light.

Now open the sacral chakra.  As you open it, you will immediately feel a lessening of tension and stress in that part of the body.

Visualize the chakra emptying of all that is no longer necessary for your health, personal and spiritual growth, and creativity.  Let these things exit by imagining them as smoke, steam, fog, dirty water, or whatever is a comfortable image for you.

Let all of  clog flow out until there is nothing left to come out.

Now imagine the bright, warm light of the sun.  Imagine that a beam of this beautiful sunlight is shining on you, shining on this chakra, filling it with its positive and warm energy.

Let the chakra absorb as much light as possible until it is filled to overflowing.  Now close your chakra using the latch, zipper, button, lock and key.

Feel a sense of well being and relief.  Know that your  sacral chakra is clean, healed, and sealed.

Enjoy your dayBe creative and enjoy it!!!!

In Light and Love,


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be mindful of my root chakra, and work toward fulfilling my own personal, basic needs."
Good morning!
This morning we continue with the chakra series:
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, just above the line that divides the buttocks.  The root chakra is red.  When it is healthy, it is bright red, but when it is clogged, overstuffed, not entirely healthy, it can range from a dark, brick red to a reddish brown, similar to the way blood looks when it dries.  It spins at the slowest speed, and is associated with the lowest frequency.
The root chakra governs our very basic needs, that which we need for our survival.  If we think about early man on the planet, whatever his concerns were for his survival, are our concerns too, and that is the province of the root chakra:  food, shelter, protection.  It also governs our most basic physical needs like sex and the expulsion of waste from our bodies.  Additionally, the root chakra also houses our most primitive emotions, particularly the negative ones, primarily anger.  I am sure we have all heard the expression, "to see red," meaning to be enraged.
Physically, the root chakra governs the large intestine, bladder, rectum, colon, all parts that have to do with the expulsion of waste.
Those who have severe problems with any of these areas, as well as issues like anger management, insecurity, jealousy, sometimes finances (since finances impact housing) generally suffer from an imbalance or clogged root chakra.
Here is a very short exercise that you can do to bring your root chakra into balance:
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap.  Close your eyes.
Breathe deeply:  in through your nose, and out through your mouth.  Breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and then exhale for a count of three.
Repeat this breathing throughout the exercise.
Now using your imagination, see a tiny red light in the distance.  See the tiny red light moving slowly toward you. The red light represents the root chakra energy.   Let the red light come closer and closer.
Now, let it move through your body into your lower abdomen until it reaches the center of the body.  Visualize the small red light.  Now, let the size increase slowly.  Let it slowly grow until it is the approximate size of a tennis ball.
Now imagine that this ball of light has a latch or zipper or button or lock and key-something to use to open it.
Open it up, and let out anything that has been stored there that is no longer necessary to your personal and spiritual growth.  You can visualize these things as cobwebs or smoke or mist or gray fog or dirty water or any other image that you feel is appropriate for you.
Let all of that yuckiness go until there is nothing else coming out.
Next, imagine that a bright, warm light is filling all of the empty space that is left behind from the exiting of the yuckiness.  Let the bright, warm light completely fill this area until it overflows and can hold no more light.
Once this occurs, close it using your latch, zipper, button, lock and key, etc.
Feel confident that this root chakra is clean and sealed and healed.
Take a few deep breaths, stretch your body, and open your eyes.
Feel good today and always!
In Love and Light,

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be more aware of each of my energy centers, my chakras."
Greetings and Salutations! 
Welcome to the first entry in the chakra series!
What are the chakras? 
The chakras are centers/spinning circles of energy that exist in the spirit part of our bodies, our ethereal bodies. 
The first is at the base of the spine (root chakra) and is red.  Then at the navel (sacral chakra) and is yellow.  The solar plexus is third and is yellow.  Next is the heart chakra-green.  The throat is next and it is blue.  In the middle of the forehead is the third eye chakra which is indigo.  And finally, at the top of the head is the crown chakra; it is violet (sometimes seen as bright white or even golden).
Not only is each chakra is a different color, but each spins at a different rate of speed, stores specific kinds of information, and governs the body parts that are in its vicinity.
Because the chakras also absorb energy as well as store energy, they can fill up, clog up, slow down, and cease to be effective.  When this happens, and it does if we do not maintain the system. then it is necessary to clean them out.
Think of it like this:  If you don't take care of your teeth, then yuckiness builds up and then you are forced to go to the dentist to take care of the problem.  Once the initial cleaning is done, then it is necessary, for good dental hygiene, to do maintenance, and to visit the dentist once or twice a year for a check up.  By doing this, we ensure that all is well and that any issues we have with our teeth will be taken care of, thus preventing greater problems later.
Now apply this to the chakras.  Even though we cannot see them with our physical eyes or capture them on an x-ray or MRI, doesn't mean they don't exist.  And it is just as necessary for our total overall health to not only clear them out once in a while, but to maintain their good health.  If the chakras are clean, balanced, and in good health, then we are balanced and in good health.
Not to overwhelm you with too much information at one time, for today, just work on trying to visualize each of your chakras. 
Join me tomorrow for information about the root chakra along with an exercise that you can do to help bring your root chakra in better health.
In Love and Light,

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will focus on my own well-being.  Today, I will nurture my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body." 
The world is great and wide as is the universe.  It is impossible for us, with our limited minds, to truly understand all things.  Even now, science is just beginning to see a closer connection among all things universal.  They are beginning to see correlations among things that previously were thought to be "unscientific".
So, if the experts who study the cosmos can't explain all things or haven't yet explored all things, then how can we, the average person, even begin to to completely understand how the cosmos works?
I like that science is now working toward support beliefs that many people have held for ages.  It finally validates, in the eyes of the masses, that these things exist.
I told you not long ago about the Dr. Oz program on meditation and the scientific experiments being done to show that it actually has powerful physical, mental, emotional, spiritual impact.  Well, a friend of mine (Thank you, Mary) told me the other day that Dr. Oz did a program earlier in the week on the chakras (energy centers within the ethereal body).
I have been working with the chakra system for over 30 years and have worked with others to clear, heal, rebalance their own chakras. 
Beginning tomorrow, Saturday, October 26, I will do a series on the chakra system.  I will give an overview of what they are and how they work, and each day, I will discuss each chakra separately, and then give a little meditation to help you explore, clear, heal, rebalance, harmonize, and protect your own chakras.
I hope you will join me for this chakra series.
In Love and Light,

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today's Affirmation
 "Today I will take responsibility only for myself and let others be responsible for themselves."
If we really want to make personal and spiritual progress, then we need to begin to separate the responsibilities that really belong to us from those responsibilities that we take on that really don't belong to us.
Because we are responsible people, we take on more responsibility than we need to.  We take on responsibility for everyone in our lives. 
Yes, in the case of children, small children, as parents we need to be responsible for them, but there comes a time in each child's life, in our lives, when our responsibility should diminish in order to let the child take responsibility for himself.  As the child matures, we should allow him more and more age-appropriate responsibility,  until, as a young adult, the child can take on full responsibility for himself.
But our children are not the only ones we take responsibility from.  We take on responsibility for our husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, friends, bosses, colleagues, neighbors, students.....You name it, some of us feel responsible for EVERYBODY in our lives.
It is not up to us, it is not our responsibility to be responsible for everybody in our lives.  We only need to be responsible for ourselves. 
When we take on responsibility for everybody else, we take on stress and anxiety and worry.  Then, when things go awry, we look at ourselves and say, "Where did I go wrong?  What didn't I do that I should have done?"
Well, here it is, folks......what we should have done was to allow the person to be responsible for himself.  We only need to look to ourselves and govern ourselves.  Others must do the same-take on full responsibility for their own action and behavior. 
We are NOT the monitors of the world.  When we take responsibility that belongs to others, we deny them the opportunity to learn valuable lessons, make mistakes, and correct their behavior.  In short, we deny them the opportunity to make personal progress and reinforce the idea that others are to blame when things don't turn out.
So, begin observing those in your life from whom you take responsibility.  Begin by releasing responsibility for them to them.  Start with small things.  Start by saying, "I love you, but it is not my responsibility to (fill in the blank)."
A quick anecdote:  The other day my 21 year old son overslept and said to me, "Mom, why didn't you wake me up?"  My response was, "It is not my responsibility to see to it that you wake up for school.  That is your responsibility."  Now he sets his alarm earlier than he needs to so that he can get up in time."
Go with the god of your choice.
In Love and Light,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be honest with myself and work on my faults and shortcomings."
No one knows us better than we know ourselves.  It is important for us to support ourselves and our personal, spiritual, emotional growth.  We do this by trying to be as honest with ourselves as possible.  Accepting this self knowledge is the first step in correcting our faults and shortcomings.
We all have faults.  We all have shortcomings.  Recognizing them and actively working toward them should be our goal.  Some of our faults may be easy to overcome.  But some of them may need special awareness and attention.  With some of our personal challenges, we may need to work on them constantly. 
The time is right to bring ourselves into awareness about ourselves and begin working toward eliminating or at least work toward correcting ourselves.  By pouring effort into ourselves, we become closer to who we truly were meant to be.  We  become closer to our ideal self.  We become more in balance with ourselves, and thus, we become more in harmony with ourselves, our family and friends, our environment, our higher selves.
So, for today, work toward self knowledge of personal challenges.  Cultivate an awareness and actively work toward eliminating those things that hold you back from making positive personal progress.
In Love and Light,

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will recognize that there is a season for all things."
One of my favorite things, the thing I miss the most about living in New England is the turn of the season from summer to autumn.  Even when I was a girl, there was something about autumn that excited me, exhilarated me. 
The change of seasons was palpable in the air.  There seemed to be an electricity.  The air was noticeably cooler.  The trees began to turn to orange and red and brown and burgundy.  And then the leaves would, one by one, flutter to the ground and crunch under my feet as I walked over them.
When I was very young, my sister and I would rake up all the leaves in our yard into a giant pile, and then run and jump in them.  What was it about laying in a pile of crunchy leaves that smelled of the end of a season?  I never could put my finger on it, but I loved it just the same.
People don't think we have a change of seasons in South Florida, but we do.  Not on the scale of the northern states, but we do experience the transition from summer to fall.  The air is less hot, there is less humidity, the same exhilaration and excitement floats in the breeze, although to one less perceptible, it may go unnoticed.  For me, I can always tell and I always look forward to it.
Some of our trees lose their leaves and go dormant until spring-my frangipanies and my crepe myrtles go dormant.  Everything slows down.  The grass grows less quickly.  The pool is too cool to swim.
Flocks of birds from the north arrive bringing with them their songs.  The ducks arrive,  We have two brown ducks who come every winter to our yard.  They swim in our pool, eat the seed that has fallen to the ground from the feeder, and just sit in the shade if it's too warm or sit in the sun if it is too cool.  They will generally stay throughout the winter and then leave again in spring.  Their arrival signals to me that life has grown cold and dormant in the northern United States.
For me it is a time of Robert Frost-"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood..."  It is a time of Walden and Emerson and Thoreau.  It is a time of transition.  A time of reflection.  A time of change.  It is a time of tying up loose ends, of cleaning out the old and stuffy stuff to make room for new things.  It is a time that leads to holidays and families and celebrations and food and drink and good will.
The autumn is part of me, part of all of us.  A critical step in the process of birth and death and renewal.  It is the continuation of a cycle.  It is reliable and constant and that comforts me.  "For all things, there is a season."
In Love and Light,

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today's Affirmation

"Today, I will make an effort to seek out a moment of perfection and enjoy it."
Moments of Perfection.
This is the perfect time, on a weekend day, to find a moment of pure perfection.  It really doesn't take much to find one.  All it involves is sitting peacefully, undisturbed, and recognizing that at that very moment, perfection exists.
Because I live in a warm place year round, South Florida, it is easy for me to go outdoors and sit in the sunshine and look out at my gardens.  When I do this, when I just sit, quietly, and breathe, and look out over my personal Eden, and see the rays of sun hitting the trees and plants and see the rippling of breeze across the water in the swimming pool and see the birds clamoring at the birdfeeder, I am convinced that yes, this is perfection.  Then I walk out into the sunshine and close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, on my face and I listen to the quietness and stillness and I say to myself, "This moment, this very moment, is a moment of perfection."
The short perfect moments encourage me.  They make me happy.  They make me realize that in all of the hustle and bustle of such a busy life, I can find a moment to myself, even if it is only for a few seconds or a few minutes, that are perfect.
Perfection does exist but sometimes we are so busy, so overwrought with tasks, that we forget that they do exist, we forget they are just a breath away.
So for today, take a few seconds or a few minutes and look for a moment of pure perfection. 
In Love and Light,

Friday, October 18, 2013

Today's Affirmation:
"I am the image of the Universal Source, and my inner light shines out upon the world."
A channeled message for you this morning from the Angels of the Sisterhood.
A lifetime's journey is a short journey compared to the journey of the soul which never ceases, but continues onward after it has shed its human body.
The soul is ALL.  The physical body is a costume that one dons for a short period of time and then removes it to return its natural state.
There is never only this which you see and experience for a blink of an eye in the course of infinite time.  Lifetimes are blinks and you have had many of them.  The object always is to advance the soul and learn as much as possible from this training ground.
You have been all, seen all, done all.  But now the time is right for you to decide what to do with all the knowledge and wisdom that you have gained over these lifetimes.
Is it important to know all the details of the lifetimes?  No.  What is important is that you remember the lessons and embrace them.  The more you embrace what you have learned, the more progress you will make, and the sooner you may return to the Source and reunite with Divinity.
We have said this to you before that man and woman have been created in the image of God or the Universal Source or the ALL and of the Everything.  By this we do not mean that this physical body is the resemblance.  By this we mean that man brings his Divinity with him each time he incarnates into physical form.  It is man's essence that is the form of God, the One, the All, the Everything.
Man is Divine as God is Divine.  As God is infinite;, man is infinite.
So dear children, persevere in your tasks and call upon upon the angelic realm for assistance.
Call upon us to explain that which you do not understand.  We know that many things are perplexing to you and you may not understand the purpose behind such events as occur in  your lives.  But trust the Universe.  And ask.  Ask for clarification.  Ask for illumination.  Ask for understanding. 
The wisdom of the Infinite One is indeed infinite,, but knowledge is always available.  Ask for it.  It shall be given to you.
Go out into the world and create beauty around you.  Go out into the world and experience what the world has to offer.  Find joy, find peace, be in harmony with all.
With our deepest love,  
The Angels of the Sisterhood.