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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Today's Affirmations
"Today I will look around me and see the beauty and wonder in the natural world."
"The key to understanding myself lay in observing and learning from the natural world."

Happy Sunday, everyone!
The Archangel Ariel is an angel of feminine energy.  Her name means, "Lioness of God."  Her color is pale pink, and her stone is rose quartz.
The Archangel Ariel is associated with the lioness, and may often manifest in our dreams as such. She sends us messages, visions, and images using the lion/lioness as her messenger.  It was she whose powerful energy was in the cave with Daniel, and it was she who helped Daniel to subdue the lions.  And it is Archangel Ariel that is pictured in the deck of the Tarot as the card of "Strength."
 Ariel has great strength and power and can help us subdue our adversaries.  She gives us courage and strength, self confidence, and helps us to keep our focus so that we do not get distracted from our goal or from our adversary. 
She can help us discern in others,  the difference between intentions that are pure and honest and those that are underhanded and manipulative.  With this discernment, we can better see what tools our enemies are using and combat them appropriately.
Ariel, being the lioness Archangel, is the champion of those who cannot fend for themselves and those who are often victims of others' power and intention.  She is particularly sensitive, watchful, and protective of women and children.
Additionally, the Archangel Ariel is the protector of the animal kingdom.  She helps with healing sick animals, and she can help us to understand and communicate with animals.  Ariel is the patron of veterinarians, animal trainers, zoo personnel, ranchers and farmers, and pet owners.
Ariel helps to keep balance in the animal kingdom-between predator and prey.  If the balance of the animal world were interrupted, then all animals, and humans, would be at risk.  Additionally, Ariel helps us to balance those two sides, the predator and prey, within ourselves.  She helps us see when we should take the offensive and when we should flee, a key element in survival.
Ariel is an airy Archangel and associated with the wind.  Whenever a cool (or warm) breeze floats across our bodies, it is Ariel who is near us.  She is subtle and noticeable at the same time.
Ariel is not only a member of the Realm of the Archangels, she is also a part of the Sisterhood, the group also known as the Virtues, the only Angelic group consisting solely of feminine energy.
Ariel works with her fellow Archangels to release those who have not yet traveled the tunnel of Light to their final destination, unity with the Divine Universal Source. 
Call on her for any need that you  might have.  She, like all of those in the Angelic Realm, is beautiful, loving, giving, and willing to assist us with whatever need we may have.
Archangel Ariel:
"The world is filled with wonder and it is the Universal Source who has provided this wonder for you.
Greetings.  We are called Ariel, Archangel of wind and of animals and of natural resources that your Divine One has created just for you.
See beauty in the natural resources around you.  Observe the natural world and the animal world for lessons and examples of how to live rightly and in balance with all things.
The animal kingdom and the human kingdom are not much different that each others.  Look to the animals world to learn great lessons about moderation, strength, defense, nurturing, and symbiosis.
Recognize that all species have a place on the earth, and it is the gentle balance of all species that keeps the world in check.  Be kind to each other and respect the natural world and animal world with which the Divine One has gifted you.
Call upon us in times of tribulation with adversaries.  We can sharpen your discernment.  We can help you see through the facade of the "sheep's clothing"  to recognize the wolf beneath.  We can sharpen your senses of which individuals are "poisonous snakes" and which are harmless but give impression of harm.
Call us to your defense, when needed and we will bring our mighty lion spirit to your aid.  Our nature is gentle and subtle, but our roar is loud and our teeth are sharp.  We use these solely for your protection and your benefit.
All within the Realm of Archangels are here for you and are disposed of individual occupations.  Our role is hold you in our hands and subtly guide you, as the breeze guides the ship upon the water, to your destination.
We love you and are always with you.  Peace to you and to all among your species.
Again, see to the animal kingdom for right living.
Many blessings upon you now and forever.  Call on  us anytime.  We are here.  And we are ........................out."
Love and Light to you,

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