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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, September 9, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will look at others with new eyes.  I will look at others as just like me, not different from me, for we share our humanness."
Good morning! 
Yesterday I brought you a special message from the Angels of the Principalities.  These Angels are primarily concerned with the consciousness of humanity as a whole and the consciousness of the planet.
These Angels work collectively to bring awareness to us and help us to shift our thinking from our a self-centered point of view to a global point of view. 
Sometimes the lessons they put in our path are not easy ones.  Sometimes they are hard, very hard, but the goal is to raise our consciousness and shed the lower aspects of our character.
It is the goal of the Principalities to unite humanity into one cohesive species that works together for the goodness of all.
This means shedding our narrow viewpoint about each other.  It means rethinking the way we see each other and treat each other.  They bring our shortcomings, as a global people, into the light through sometimes drastic means in order for us to lessen the chasms that divide us.
It is their intention that we dispense with always looking toward those ideologies as divide us and look to those commonalities that unite us.
Recently I have been taking an online course called "Deconstructing Racism" as part of my teaching recertification.  This course has brought to light for me some things I did not know.  For example, and it pertains exactly to what I am writing about today, that in our human DNA, there is NO indicator of race.  Amazing!  Not one single bit or strand of evidence that shows scientists racial indicators.  And dig this-research has shown that members from different racial groups had more in common, than people from the same racial group.  Other research has shown that there areNO racial indicators for I.Q.!!!!!
So, what does this tell us????  It tells us that we are not different after all.  Strip off the skin, and take a piece of tissue, look under a microscope, and what do we find?  We are all the same!
So why do we insist on creating and supporting categories that reinforce our differences and engender hatred and violence?  A just question.  A question worth pondering.
You know, I don't believe in coincidences.  I believe every single thing happens for a reason.  We may not recognize why something is happening at the time it is happening, but oftentimes, in retrospect, we can see what we did not see before.
Last night I was watching a multi-episode series called "Rising."  It was about the rebuilding of the 16 acres that were devastated on 9/11 by the terrorist planes flying into the twin towers.
This was a horrible event, no doubt, a wicked, violent, abhorrent event.  Many died, either as victims as the crash, or as life savers who put their own lives secondary to those who needed help.
Despite the great tragedy, this event united an entire community, united an entire city, united an entire country.  It gave us first hand experience of the great damage that hatred can do.
This hatred is solely predicated upon the vast differences, not in race, but in religion and in freedom to succeed.  How is that right?  What were these terrorists trying to tell us??  Were they trying to tell us that they have an image of a loving God?  How is a loving God supportive of mass murder???  Were thy trying to tell us that are jealous of the freedoms of our country, so they will just blow the shit out of it???  (excuse the language). 
No one will ever know for sure why this heinous event took place.  But what we do see is that people from all over the area and beyond, regardless of country of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, financial bracket, all came together as a unified people to grieve the loss of their family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and they put their own lives at risk to right the great wrong that was done.
Look back for a minute.  Look at the disasters and tragedies that have globally taken place over the years.  These events have drawn people together.  No one has said, "Hey, you are culturally, religiously, racially different, so we're not going to help you."  No, people have banned together based on human suffering.
So, do we need to continue to experience these horrible man-made and natural disasters to teach us the ultimate lesson:  we are ALL ONE PEOPLE. 
When you go out of your house today, look at others, not as being different from you, but being just like you.
In Love and Light,

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