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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will practice broadening my perspective, seeing a greater connection in the events of my life as being for my higher and greater good."
It's all about perspective.
Shakespeare said, "There is nothing which is neither good nor bad, but thinking, makes it so."
True wisdom.
What he was able to see and understand and transmit to us is that events, in and of themselves, cannot be classified as good or bad events, they are simply events.  It is our human perception that interprets them as good or bad. 
If we could broaden our perspective of the events in our own lives, we would be able to more clearly see that no event in our lives is isolated.  That everything DOES happen for a reason.  We may not understand the reason at the time, but there is a reason.
Sometimes that reason is to teach us a lesson, to (as corny as it sounds) give us practice in dealing with a tough lesson that we may have been grappling with for a long time. 

Take patience, for example.  Have you ever felt that you always end up in the wrong line?  Always end up missing the proverbial "boat"?  Well, next time that happens, don't see it as a total messing up of your entire day, shift your perspective to see it as an opportunity to develop a skill that needs developing.  Heaven knows, we all need practice with patience!
We all have had the experience of disappointment.  When we experience this, it may feel like failure to us.  But if we open our eyes, stretch our perception, and broaden both our view and our understanding, we may see that the disappointment is only a REROUTED OPPORTUNITY. 
Perhaps the reason for the disappointment is to prevent us from taking the wrong road.  Perhaps there is something much better in store for us.  Maybe it is Universe's way of roadblocking us from one thing in order to steer us in a direction we ought to have been going in the first place.
Perhaps the disappointment is Universe's way of protecting us.  We may not see it at the time, but in retrospect, we may be glad later that we were disappointed because if we weren't, we could have gotten ourselves into trouble.
It has helped me a great deal to try to look at what happens in my life from a higher view.  I try to see a connection between all of the events of my life.  When I do this, things make more sense.  I have a better understanding that all of these events are not isolated incidents, but part of a greater whole.  I see the flow of my life.  I see the main river and all of its tributaries, each tributary leading into a specific direction.
I have not been pleased, nor have I been accepting, of every experience I have had.  Some of them were tough and I ended up asking myself, "Why me?  I'm a nice person."  But, looking back on those events, I see that each one has taught me something vital.
Each of those has helped me to deepen my understanding of myself, has helped me to grow and mature, has helped me to develop wisdom, and ultimately, has helped me to become who I am exactly at this moment. 
 And you know what?  I am NOT disappointed in the person I have become.  I am a far better person, wiser person, more compassionate person, a stronger person than I would have been if I had not had the experiences that I have had.
So, although certain events were disappointing or traumatic or painful, I am glad that they have shaped me into who I am right now at this moment as I sit at my computer and write this message to you.
I leave you this morning with this final word:  Stretch your sight.  Embrace the knowledge that Universe knows what it is doing when it allows certain experiences to enter your life.  See that ALL of the events of your life, both good and bad, are intended to shape you into a better person.  Understand that everything that happens is a lesson in something valuable that you need to learn.
Today, go with the God of your choice, and know that your God is steering you in the right direction, even if you can't see it right away.
In Love and Light,

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