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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today is a great day!  Today I will be joyful because I choose to be joyful!"
Good morning, and happy Saturday!!!
Today is great day!  A great day is not predicated upon whether the sun is shining or the bills are paid or the dishes and laundry are done.
A great day is about believing that great things can happen.  A great day is generated from within us.  It is our thinking that creates a great day, not anything that is external.  It comes from a place in our hearts where love and joy resides.
It is recognizing that we have the capacity to create joy, be joyful regardless of what is gong on around us, whether it's raining, whether the house is cleaned to perfection, whether people around us are pleasant.
A great day happens for us because we want it to happen for us.  We choose to have a great day.  It's about a positive attitude, a positive outlook, a positive belief that no matter what, there is joy to be found, and we can find it if we want to.
It is no longer being a victim of outside circumstances but being a assertive go-getter of all the beauty that is around us if we just look around us and see it and embrace it.
Today, I am going to sluff (did I spell that right?) off the downers, the nay-sayers, and maintain my joyful outlook. 
Today, I am going to keep my eyes open for infinite possibilities to be joyful and satisfied and a blessing to others.
Today, I will not say anything negative.  I will not let myself get sucked into other people's anger, envy, sarcasm, malcontentedness.
Today, I will travel, not with emotional baggage (I'm leaving it at the proverbial train station) but with the expectation that just around the corner, at any given time, there is something of wonder and beauty and joy and success.
Today, I will have a great day!!!
In Love and Light,

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