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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"One thought at a time, I can change my thinking."
"We, the Angels of the Principalities, oversee man's consciousness as it pertains to the consciousness of the planet.  Our role in the Divine scheme is to monitor and to encourage man to lift his mind from the struggles of the trenches and to elevate his thinking.
By this we mean that he form a more global view of himself in relation to his fellow man and his planet.
We are very concerned for man's future on this planet.  Planets are delicate and earth is no exception.  To us, the earth's life is inconsequential, but the people of the earth are consequential, we are here to offer guidance for his future allure of power.
Man is relatively young in the evolutionary track.  Will man evolve?  If his consciousness evolves.
What will it take for man for live a wholesome life and a peaceful life and a life of awareness?  It takes his efforts and strong will to not allow himself to be drawn down into the pit of greed and selfishness.
It is true that greed and selfishness are the roots of many of earth's children's warfare.
Think carefully about the motives for war, any war.  In the most simple terms, if we could place responsibility on any One thing, it would be a combination of greed and selfishness.
And so we counsel you to beware of the allure of power. 
The Archangels have been battling the consequences of power as it pertains to destruction for eons.  Our Warriors fight it every day in order to keep it away from man.  Man rarely knows the battles that the Warriors and Archs do in his name, for his protection and his well being.
So, correct the lower aspects of character, and you correct the course of human history.
Although our role in the Heavens is predominantly global consciousness, we  have spoken today, for the sake of each individual.  For it is with each individual that the consciousness of the planet changes.  As each individual member of the human species elevates his mind, opens his heart, and corrects his negative behavior, the planetary consciousness rises.
So never think that your thinking is harmless.  Your thinking along with someone else's thinking combine.  Then to that, more similar thinking is added.  This is a magnetic effect.  Thought draws to thought, whether good or bad is regardless.  Similar thoughts attract similar thoughts.  So.....
Earth's children can either create the negativity and destruction which is currently the trend on the planet.
Man can change his thinking, one person at a time.  If he can do this,  if he can reach out, be an example of enlightenment and goodness, if he can use his gifts for the betterment of others, the planet, and himself, the world will continue to change for the better.
We bring you this news not to alarm you, for the life of the earth is long, but to open your eyes and begin the positive change in awareness.
Man is like a field of unbloomed flowers.  One flower blooms, then another and another, and soon, the entire field is filled with beauty and wonder.   An entire field of beauty.  This is what we intend with our message to you today.
Harness your thoughts as they pertain to the criticism and jealousy of others.
Work toward kindness of thought.  Banish negative thinking.
When you find your mind focusing on the lower aspects of character, immediately change your thinking to that which is positive.  Do not allow yourselves to bask in the muddiness of negative thought.
Wrestle your thoughts back into the positive.   Recognize that each man, each woman, each person has his own set of struggles, has his own path, and he alone must walk that path.
Each does not know what lessons the others must learn.  So see to your own behavior and let others see to theirs.
A voice called out, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step."  Apropos, indeed is it not?
We know man's history and we know that man changes slowly.  We are patient and we are always here to guide and give insight into the matters of planetary consciousness.
We hope that you will embrace our message to you this day.
Work on yourself and let others work on themselves.
One consciousness at a t time can change the entire consciousness of the planet.
Be well and continue to make forward progress."
Love and Light,

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