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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today's Affirmation

"Today I will seek for my sameness to others.  Today I will put aside my differences with others and rejoice that I am part of a greater whole.    Today I will trust that my Higher Power is leading me to Divine Understanding, for my highest and greatest good."
The primary difference between religion and spirituality, as I said yesterday, is that religion is man-made.  It was created by man, based on his limited understanding of the One Universal Source, and engineered so that it controls through fear and punishment.
I do want to say, despite all criticism of man-made religions, that, although I do not embrace it for myself (having been there done that and found it too limiting), it really works well for some people.  I do know people who are some of the best people I have ever met, and they are staunch in their beliefs of their religion.  These people are filled with goodness and kindness and are open and accepting of others.  I admire this. 
Now, whether they are just good and kind people regardless or whether their religion has made them that way, who's to say.  I would like to believe that they are inherently good and kind, and that their religion simply magnifies what they already had in the first place.
Now, spirituality is independent of religion.  It can certainly go hand in hand with religion, but, for me, it goes much deeper than a preset belief system and a list of rules and regulations.
Spirituality is about having a belief in a Supreme Universal Source, regardless of the name that we use to identify it.  This Supreme Universal Source is the essence of pure, unadulterated, LOVE. 
It is not punishing, not critical, not judgmental, not selective, not created by man or governed by a set of man-made rules and regulations.  It is not exclusive to gender or belief system or race or culture. 
It is powerful, not in its control over people, but powerful in its love and desire to guide us along our life path so that we learn the lessons of humanity and spirit.
Spirituality is having a broader, wider, deeper understanding and acceptance of the Universal Source and living one's life in accordance with the Divine Essence.
It is about being the very best person we can be.  It is about constantly working toward moving away from those aspects of our character that hold us back from making progress. It is about knowing that Divine beauty and goodness support our growth and want to help us become better than we are. 
It is about enhancing and broadening our human understanding of the Universe so that we can better see how the shards of the broken glass bowl (yesterday's analogy of religion)  fit together as a greater whole instead of separate, individual, unrelated pieces.  It is accepting that there is NO wrong way.  There is just a way.  And that we are always free to choose the way.  That each way has  lessons to learn and choices to make.  It is about always striving to move closer to that ONE pure source of love and goodness and compassion.
Spirituality is following a conscious personal path toward wisdom and understanding.  It is stretching our minds and elevating our consciousnesses.
It is recognizing that we are human and limited, but that out there, in the cosmic plane, exist entities that look over us, protect us, guide us and help us to become more complete, to become more of who we are meant to be.
It is recognizing that we, all of us, every human being, is created from the same essence as the One Pure Universal Source.  And so, when certain religions say that we are made in "His" image, that what that means is that we are made of light and energy and have the capacity for great goodness and wisdom, and NOT that the Universal Source of ALL Goodness has a limited human form with limited understanding.
I will admit to you, I am horrible when it comes to religion.  Maybe because, despite the good it can do, I have also seen the damage that it has done.  I see the suffering that others experienced at the hands of a critical and unsympathetic belief system.  I have seen the exclusivity that hurts people and forces them to reject others and hate others because they are different. 
Please understand that I am not bashing any particular religion, nor am I touting that religion is wrong.  I am simply saying that it is limited, whereas, spirituality is infinite.
May the God of your choice bless you and keep you.  May the Angels guide you and may you see fit to call upon them to intercede for you and protect you, and share wisdom with love with you.

Spirit Speaks

"Children, there are those who are misguided and there are those who are led.  Open your hearts and minds to a higher way, a better way, a way of love and light all things filled with goodness. 

Let the Universal spirit fill you with joy.  Accept the unconditional love that this great power has for you.  You are our children, our hope for the future of mankind.  It is through you that the world becomes a better place. 
Since its beginning man has been on a spiritual journey.  Man has been confronted with many lessons put in his path in order to teach him the value of goodness and love and nonjudgmentalism.

We could see that man's path would be  struggle, for man's mind is small and limited.  But we ask you to stretch your consciousness and open your heart.  Not only to the Divine, but to the human.

Man should unite, connect at the heart.

We are here to tell you that there will come a time when man will need to put aside the petty differences that have separated him and create a global unity.  A unity based on similarity of species, not on differences of culture and religion.

Religion and the separation and destruction it causes is no longer viable for the welfare of the longevity of the human species.

Man is more similar than he is different.  He is similar in that he is made of the same loving energy as the Divine.  Man is Divine.  Man has just to recognize the Divinity , no only within himself, but within others as well.   ALL are divine, not just one group or another group.  ALL are divine.

And this is our message to you.  Look for the Divinity in each other.  the tall and short, the dark and the light, the young and the old, the peaceful and those at war with themselves.

Allow each other to be who he is, not who he should be according to the strictures of that divide him.

Man is ONE species, different in many ways from ach other, but the same in one critical area.  Man is human.  And it is that humanity that needs to UNITE you.

We fear that if man does not unite based on sameness, that he will destroy himself in the name of his difference.

Those that are powerful should help the powerless.  Those that are strong, should help the weak.  those that are intelligent, should help the ignorant.  Bring each other into unity.

Be blessed.  We are ever here observing your patterns of thought and behavior.  don't eliminate goodness, but embrace the essence of it.

We love you and it is this love for your humanity that we bring this critical message to you.

Do not dwell on evil or pain or war or differences.  Contemplate sameness and love and compassion.

Be well and we are .........OUT........"-The Angels of the Principalities
In Light and Love always,

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