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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today's Affirmation
Archangel Raziel helps me to widen my understanding of the inner workings of the Universe."
The Archangel Raziel, "Secrets of God," has a rainbow colored aura surrounded with white.  His stone is clear quartz.
Because he knows all of the secrets of the cosmos and how it works, he offers us insight this information.  He helps us understanding symbols and esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, and quantum physics.
(I'm certain he and Einstein had a close relationship!)
Archangel Raziel helps us to open ourselves up to our higher physic and spiritual capabilities.  He helps us to better perceive through all of our senses and helps us to use these senses to reach out to the higher realms and the spirit world.
Because of his tremendous knowledge and understanding of universal matters, Raziel can provide us with Divine guidance, help us with astral travel and with past life exploration.  He can help us bring what we have learned in our pasts, both recent and distant, into our conscious minds and see the connections of all things.  He can help us trace our paths back to our original Source.
From the Archangel Raziel:
"There is only kindness and love in the Universe for those on the earth plane.  This love of you drives us to always be ready to answer any questions and give any guidance that you may need for your evolution both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm. 
Man would do well to begin to see tall of the implications of his actions.  It is man who has written the course of his history.  It is man's childish understanding of the Universe that prevents him from embracing the total capacity of what Universe offers him.  The gift is not in power or control or ownership over others or properties or goods, it is not is the domination of others. 
The gift is the gift of understanding.  A glimpse into the inner workings of the universe in order to set his set his path right and to move forward in his soul evolution.
The universe is infinite and man know this, but he does not understand this.  He cannot grasp the enormity of what is available in the cosmos.
Seek to understand the relationship between all things, between man and plant and animal and stone and water and wind and fire and will and all of the things that will open up man's understanding.
We are encourage and are working ceaselessly with those in the field of science to discover what we have known here in the cosmos for ever. 
Pay attention to your scientists, for it is they who will discover the truth of things and bring these discoveries into the public eye and into the light.
Know this:  Science and spirituality can exist side by side; logic, rationality can and does exist side by side with faith and spirit.
What man fails to grasp is that the two are inextricably linked.  One cannot exist without the other.
Science does not exist to disprove faith or god or spirituality.  It exists to prove it.
This is our gift to man, a knowledge, a key to understanding all things.  We bless you and offer you any assistance in this we have to offer.
Remember expand your consciousness and you expand your understanding, expand your understanding, and you  your expand your knowledge of all things in the universe.
Peace be with you and let love abide.
Love and Light,

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