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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will smile when I don't feel like smiling.  I will be pleasant when I don't feel like being pleasant.  When I expect the wonderful, the wonderful will happen."

When we view the day with the expectation that it will be filled with something wonderful, we bring optimism, positivity, and even wonderfulness (is this even a word?) into our day.
What I mean is, if we look for the positive and the wonderful, we will see it.  I'm not saying that today is the day that you will win the lottery, but maybe you will.  I'm saying that wonderfulness is not always about winning the lottery.  It is about seeing something positive in every person, every encounter, every event that happens throughout the day.
When we enter the day with a positive attitude and a smile, and share that with others and meet challenges with confidence, it changes the way view our day's experience for the positive.  It brings joy into our lives.
And through our positive outlook and outward attitude, we can share that joy with others.
If I entered my day cynical and bitter and negative, then guess what my day would hold?  Right, exactly what I expect-nothing good.  I would be sarcastic, angry, and spew my dissatisfaction all over other people  (which I am ashamed to say that I have done).
But, if I entered my day with the positive expectation that today could be a day of wonderfulness, then no matter what happens during the day, I can face with an uplifted spirit.
Negativity breeds negativity.  Positivity engenders positivity.  So If I had the choice, and I do, would I rather walk with my head up and a smile on my face and good words on my lips, OR would I rather walk hunched over, grimacing, and mumbling dissatisfaction?
Well, you tell me.  Yes, I would rather be the one that people smile at and say "good morning" to that the one who people see and dread because I never have anything positive to say.
It can be a difficult task to keep ourselves from descending into a negative space, but if we are diligently conscious of what we are projecting on the outside-a smile, a greeting, a willingness to be helpful, and a positive demeanor, then so many more opportunities are available to us. And a more positive response to us from others.
I have had my share, as we all have had, I'm sure, of feeling terrible, bitter, angry, disillusioned with what is going around me, especially in my job, and I have not always done the best job in overcoming these personal adversaries. 
I have had to train myself NOT to hold fast to these adversaries, but to breathe and let them go.  I have even found it necessary to remove myself from places where people congregate to bask in the gloom of the dissatisfaction.
It really isn't about other people or situations at all.  It's about me and my outlook and attitude.
So, today I will smile when I don't feel like smiling.  I will be upbeat when I don't feel like being upbeat.  I will say only positive things when I don't feel positive.  It's about the conscious choice to gift myself with positivity.
When I get up and go forth, I can either look forward to a terrible day or I can look forward to something wonderful happening.  If I expect the wonderful, I will find the wonderful.  This is the kind of day that I want to have.  This is the person I want to be.  I want to be grateful for every day.  I want to be a beacon and not a black hole.  I want to be a rock not an avalanche.
Today, I will consciously work at my attitude.  I will monitor my words and bite my tongue whenever I feel harsh words reach my lips.  Today I will take control of ME.  If I screw up, then I will reboot and start again without be self-condemning.
So for today, look for the good in all things.  Expect the good in all things.  You may just be surprised at how much better you day will be if you do!
Love and Light,

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