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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will flow like a river around the rocks instead of trying to go through the rocks."
Sorry I missed you yesterday. "The best laid plans of mice of men..."  What I mean is that some things just don't turn out the way we expect.
When I woke up yesterday at my usual time, my expectation of the morning was as it is every other morning during the week.  Like many people, I have my morning routine and I like my morning routine. 
Then BAM a boomerang!  Totally threw off my entire morning.  BUT, instead of working against the events, struggling to manipulate the events, I just let it flow.
And although my morning was a great departure from what I usually do in the morning, by letting it flow out the way it needed to, I saved myself a lot of frustration.
There are times when it is far better to simply take on the nature of the river and flow around the rocks instead of trying to flow through the rocks-it never works out well when we try to flow through the rocks.
It's a matter of acceptance.  It is what it is and there it is. We can't change the events that happen in our lives, but we can change the way we view them.  By recognizing the "rocks" for what they are and accepting that the "rocks" aren't going anywhere, we can modify our own perspective and our own actions to account for the "rocks."
When we do this, we practice flexibility, and the more flexible we are, the more adaptable we are,  the more capable we become at managing the interruptions that periodically show themselves in our daily pattern.
Rivers will never flow upstream.  Rivers flow according to the layout of the land.  Rivers flow according to the path of least resistance.  And we, can learn something from this. 
I am not advocating complacency.  I am not advocating doing nothing.  What I am advocating is learning to recognize those things that we have no control over and training ourselves to work around them, like the river works around the rocks, instead of futilely trying to manipulate that which cannot be manipulated.
So, today, if rocks show up in your path, take a good look.  Ask yourself, "Are these rocks immoveable?  Are they something that I can flow around?"  If your answer is "yes," then be the river.  Flow with it and around it.
Have a day filled with peace and confidence.
In Love and Light,

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