NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, November 28, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I commit to making each and every day a day of thanksgiving."

Thanksgiving has always been a day when we remember all of the things and people for which we are grateful.  But why should we confine our gratitude to only one day a year? 

Each day should be a day of thanksgiving.  Each day we should take time to simply say "Thank you, Universe, for all of blessings you have brought into my life.  Thank you for all of the lessons I have learned.  Thank you for all of the people who have touched my life in some way.  Thank you for my home, my family, my friends.  Thank you for the job that brings finances into my home and allows me to live safely and comfortably.  Thank you for who I have become and who I will continue to become with your celestial assistance.  Thank you for those beautiful invisible presences that guide me and protect me and teach me.  Thank you for my life."

So, dear friends, never stop being grateful.  Never stop being thankful.  Make each and every day a day of thanksgiving.

In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will take my first step in conquering my fear."
There really is nothing more debilitating that fear.  Fear is a monster unto itself.  It holds us hostage without the chance of ransom.  It paralyzes us and prevents us from experiencing a fulfilling and satisfying and complete well rounded life.
Today may very well be the day that you take a stand against fear.  Subdue it.  Conquer it.  Overcome it so that you can move on with your life.
Universe never intended us to be hostages of our own insecurities.  Universe wants us to move out into the wider world, discover, experience, learn, find joy, 
Take the first step.  Turn over your fear to the Universal Source.  Call in your angels and guides to surround you and protect you as move out of self imposed isolation and into a world of people and true living. 
Ask the Universe to move into your heart and mind and burn away that which is holding you back.
Just doing this simple thing will start you on a whole journey of releasing fear and reclaiming your life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will increase my personal protection from energy leeches by neutralizing their energy."
So, here we are at the end of our series on energy leeches.  First, I discussed identifying the leech, then talked about personal protection.  Next, I discussed the process for protecting your home and/or work space.  Today's post deals with neutralizing the energy of the leech himself, or if you don't know who it is, or you are out in a crowded space, like a store or social event, this process will help.  The process causes no harm at all to the person or people.  It simply contains his/their energy and prevents it from infiltrating your energy.
If you know the identity of the energy leech:
Visualize this person completely wrapped from head to toe in black silk.  Silk is a fine and luxurious fabric and is gently and effective.  Completely wrap the individual like a mummy.  Let the black silk wrap around and around.  The more you wrap, the more contained the person's energy is. And the more of a threat the person is to you, you may choose to visualize the wrapped person shrinking so such a small size that he/she ultimately disappears.
If you don't know who the person is but know he is in somewhere in your environment-like at work:
First, ask the Universe to specifically show you the person who is leeching your energy.  Leave your mind open and receptive.  Universe may show you an image of the person.  Trust what Universe shows you.  Then use the process above.
If the person is not specifically identified, then visualize the silhouette of a person and follow the above process.
If you are going out in a crowd:
Visualize the place(s) that you are going.  Then visualize a huge heavy black velvet blanket completely covering the entire place or event.  Velvet, like silk, is luxurious and will cause no harm.  Velvet, unlike silk, is heavier and thicker and is more effective for large places or events. 
So, completely cover the entire place or event.  Visualize yourself standing outside of the covered area or within the covered area with a bright and shining orb of light around yourself. 
Use these words or something similar for all processes:  "All negative energy is safely contained.  I am completely safe and free from the leeching by others.  In the name of all the good and true and pure in the Universe.  For my highest good and the highest food of all concerned."
May this short series in energy leeching be extremely useful to you.  Do it anytime you feel infiltrated or trespassed upon or as an insurance that energy leeching will not take place when you move out into the wider world and encounter groups of people.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will actively work on protecting my personal space from energy trespassers."
If you recall, a few days ago, I addressed how to identify the energy leech, and yesterday I addressed how you can protect yourself.  Today's segment in my short series about energy leeching is how to protect your home or work space form energy trespassers.
This process is very easy to do and you only need one item-white sage.  Sage comes in both a dried bunch or in a spray.  You can procure this either from a new age shop or you can order it online.  Both are inexpensive and highly effective.  If you don't mind the smokiness of the burning sage, then use that, but if it is not appropriate, particularly in a work environment, then use the spray.  This is what I use in my work space.  It smells wonderful and no one needs to know you are using it.   If someone asks you about it, then just tell them it is an air freshener.  Simple.
Here is what you do: 
In the home-Use the sage in each room of your house.  Begin at your front door.  If using smoking sage, work from top to bottom and let the sage smoke fill the space.  If using spray, a couple of shots should do it.
Say this or something similar, "All is clean and clear and only light shall enter.  This space is protected by the highest of light regions and only that which is good and true and pure may enter."
Move clockwise around your home doing this around the perimeter of each room and especially in the corners and around windows and doors.
If your home has a second floor and/or a basement, it is a good idea to do the whole thing. 
Once you have done the whole space and have returned to where you started-at your front door, visualize an impenetrable barrier of light and say this or something similar, "This entire space is clean and clear and only light shall enter.  This entire space is protected by the highest of the light regions and only that which is good and true and pure may enter.  I ask this in the name of all that is good and true and pure in the Universe, for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned and in accordance with Divine Law."
In the work space-If you have your own office, then follow the directions above for saging your home.  If you work in a open environment or have a cubicle, then just spray around your space, moving clockwise.  Be sure to get the corners (one shot for each corner).  Then visualize an impenetrable barrier of light around your personal work space and repeat the wording above.
This ought to do the job and be highly effective.
Next time, I will discuss neutralizing the energy of the energy leech.
In Love and Light-Always,


Monday, November 3, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will center and ground myself.  I will encase myself in a pyramid of light."
Yesterday I told you about energy leeches and the symptoms that may indicate that your energy is being syphoned from your personal energy field.  I told you that those who leech the energy of others may or may not know they are doing this.  And I also told you that these people could be anyone with whom you come in contact like a family member, colleague, an acquaintance, or even a random individual in a crowd.
Today I would like to give you some insight in how you can protect your own energy and prevent others from taking what is not theirs.
The first step is to identify, if you can, which person may be doing this to you.  If you recognize the person, then you can prepare yourself ahead of time so that when you run into this person, you are protected.  If you aren't sure, you can still protect yourself, especially now when the holiday season is looming and you may be out in a large crowd.
Once you recognize the person or acknowledge that out there in the crowd somewhere (or in your work or home environment) may be someone who may drain you, the next step is to protect yourself from them. 
First, center and ground yourself-stand with both feet planted firmly on the floor (if you can, try this outdoors on the earth). 
Next, being breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Concentrate on your auric field, you energy field.  As you breathe in, pull in your lost or scattered energy.  Feel it returning to you.  Feel it moving back close to your physical body.  Visualize your energy as light, either white or multi-colored.  As you do this, you may feel a sudden increase in energy or a tingling or a slight pressure around you-this is your energy returning.
After you feel a renewed concentration of your own energy, visualize the earth beneath your feet and imagine the gravity of the earth holding you firm, holding you fast to the earth.  You can visualize green energy radiating up from the earth and wrapping itself around your feet and ankles, holding you in place.  The earth energy will supplement your own energy, giving you  more energy to combat the leeching process.
Finally, visualize a strong and powerful impenetrable pyramid of light completely encasing you. Visualize that the walls and floor of the pyramid have outward facing reflective surfaces like mirrors.  The mirrored surface will cause any negative intentions to bounce off and return to the sender.
 For today, work on this technique.  In the following blogs, I will tell you how to protect your work or home environment and how to neutralize the energy of the leeching person.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will try to identify those people who leech my energy and leave me feeling drained."
Have you ever been in the presence of someone, and after they leave (or you leave), you feel absolutely drained?
That is because you have experienced an energy leeching.  There are those that, whether they consciously recognize what they are doing or not, they leech our energy from our personal energy fields.  I call these people energy leeches, but they call also be  called energy suckers, and some people refer to them as energy vampires.  I don't like that term because of the negative connotation of it.
How can you identify these energy leeches?
The first tell-tale sign is a feeling of sudden exhaustion and lethargy after being in their presence.  You might feel suddenly sleepy.  Your limbs may feel heavy.  You might say to yourself, "What is wrong with me?  I feel so drained."
Another sign is a slowing down of your thinking.  Your brain just has a harder time engaging.  You may become indecisive or have difficulty with wording your thoughts.  You may say, "What is that word?  Gee, I just can't seem to recall it."
Yet another sign is irritability.  All of a sudden you feel cranky and pissy.  You give a sharp tongue to those you are speaking with.  You might experience short temperedness.  Or you may become overwhelmed by sudden, inexplicable anger.  You may become impatient.
Not everyone will experience all of these signs all the time, you may experience only one of them.  But the fact remains that some of your energy has been sucked out of you.
The people that do this to us, and remember, they may not even realize they doing it, may be family members, colleagues, casual acquaintances, random people in the crowd, complete strangers. 
Your question, and I know what you are asking, "Yes, but how can I stop this?  What do I do?  How can I protect myself?"
In my next several blog postings, I will discuss how to avoid this leeching.  I will tell you what you can do to protect yourself and what you can do to neutralize the energy of the leeching person.
For now, just be aware that this leeching may be happening, and try to identify, if you can, the specific people who leave you drained each time you spend time with them.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will pray for the rescue of my loved one.  I will ask Universe to intercede and bring about healing and enlightenment."

We cannot save someone who does not want to be saved.  We cannot rescue someone who does not want to be rescued.

We can, however, pray unceasingly for their release from whatever is holding them hostage and causing them destruction.  We can ask the Universe to move mightily in their lives and work for their highest and greatest good.

When we do this, we need to understand that in order to build something better, that which already exists must be broken down.  We cannot build a strong house on a faulty foundation, and so it is with people.  We cannot rebuild something better until the damaged parts are removed. 

So, if you are ready to see the one(s) you love released from their own destructiveness, then  be prepared to see an initial worsening of the situation.  Be confident that Universe had heard your prayer and is interceding on you behalf for the highest good of your loved one. 

Stand steadfast and be supportive of release and growth and enlightenment.  Do not undermine the work of the Universe by interfering.  Stand aside and let Universe work.

If you can do this, if you are willing to do this, then the results will be miraculous.  It may take some time before what was wrong is righted.  After all, one's self destruction did not occur overnight and so it cannot be fixed overnight.

Be committed to your prayers for the other person's enlightenment and freedom self destruction.

Pray for patience and a strong resolve. 

All will be well.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will follow my inner knowing and choose what is right for my soul."

Never turn your back on what you  know is right.  Follow your inner knowing and choose, as often as possible, what your soul is telling you.

The soul knows all that you need to know.  The knowledge that you seek is within you.  It is simply a matter of recalling what you already know.  Deep inside your deepest memory, there is all that you will ever need for right living.

The soul has traveled long and far to collect all human experiences and emotions and this information is available for you. 

Go to the soul for what you  need.  Connect deep within and find what you need.

The soul never lies or deceives.   It is all right and true and good.  And it is just that you should seek within for what you already know.

For bringing what you already know into memory, you expand the possibilities for more correct living, for  light to enter you life and to live a more prosperous, enlightened life.

The time is right to take the time from the business of human life and spend time with your soul.  Meditate and ask the soul what is most necessary for you bring into conscious memory so that you may follow its direction, and thus, make progress in human life.

For what is human life without the soul, and what is the soul without human life.  Both exist for one reason only:  To bring the soul back into perfect union with the Original Source of All That Is. 

And when the soul chooses, for the soul always has the choice, to continue in human life or to continue in spirit, it will continue to learn the lessons it needs to reunite with the Source.  Evolution never ceases.  It continues to continue until the continuing stops. 

When that time is, is not determined, for who is to say, "I have learned everything there is to learn, and now I am done"?

So, be content to learn the lessons, be content to do the work for the sake of the soul.

Be well now and always.

In Love and Light-Always,

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider my soul and choose the highest possible path to wisdom and knowledge."
Man's soul is eternal;  it never ceases to be.  It is ongoing and forever.  The soul is all and the body simply houses it as it learns the lessons of the human condition.
The soul is the living essence of man.  Without the soul is to be dead.  It is for the soul that the body was created.  As a vehicle for the soul for travel into the human condition and gain wisdom.
The soul is light and energy.  It is not physical.  It has no shape or size.  It just is.  It is just pure spirit and energy.
Man's role is to carry the soul.  Metaphorically, "To lose one's soul" is to lose one's sense of self.  To let the lower aspects of character take the forefront of man's action.  It is to knowingly indulge in that which is counter productive to the advancement of the soul.  It is to stagnate and fail to put into practice the higher knowledge that the soul has gained.  It is to choose the lowest possible level of existence instead of striving for the highest wisdom and knowledge.  It is to know the difference between progress and stagnation and to consciously choose stagnation.
There are those who do recognize the difference between the highest good and the lowest level of existence, but choose the most basic of human existence.  And even in this lowest existence, the soul gains knowledge.  It gains the knowledge of pain and cruelty and selfishness and jealousy and envy and anger and hatred.  And in these things, the soul learns human lessons.
Those who choose a higher path of living, also learn.  They have learned love and compassion and peace of mind.  They have learned generosity and joy and helpfulness.
So, dear friends, no matter what path you choose:  the path to higher living or the path that takes you into the depths of human suffering, there are lessons to be learned.
Learn well.  And progress.
Hold the soul dear and cherish it and let it learn. 
Be well now and always.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin manifesting my desires."

Stop just wishing that something would happen in your life and start manifesting it.  Sitting around just wishing, "Gee, I wish...  Gee, I wish..." isn't doing anything for you.l  It just makes what you want seem farther away,  more impossible to attain.
Actively working toward bringing your desires into manifestation is a much better investment of time. 
Remember, however, that manifestation takes time.  What you are manifesting may require a series of other event to occur in order for your event to occur.
Keep at it, though, and don't give up. 
Visualize what it is that you want to see manifest in your life.  Visualize it clearly and specifically.  Create an affirmation to go with it, such as, "This (specify what 'this' is) or something better is now manifesting in my life for my highest good and highest good of all concerned.  In accordance with Divine Law and in the name of all that good and true and pure in Universe."
The more you believe it will happen, the more you actively work toward attainment, the more positive energy you send to what you want.  And eventually, it comes into being.
So, stop just wishing and hoping good things will happen in your life, and begin creating them.

In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will begin to unclutter my inner self and my personal space."

Our outer environment reflects our inner selves.  Look around your personal space.  What condition is it in?  Is your desk cluttered with junk?  Is your car or the trunk of your car stuffed with stuff that needs to be dropped off at Good Will but you haven't found the time to do it?  Is you closet filled to its limit with belongings that you just can't seem to clear out or get rid of?  And what about the atticv?  Are you storing things there that belong to others and need to be given to them?

All of these are indicators of what is happening inside of us because, like a closet or a trunk or an attic, we store stuff inside of ourselves and just let it sit there piling up.

Perhaps taking a look at your outer environment will help you to see what needs releasing or giving back to others what belongs to them.  For example, are you owning responsibility that really isn't yours to hang on to?  Then give it to the person to whom it really belongs.  Are you holding on to old feelings and emotions like you are holding on to those old shoes that don't fit anymore but just can't give them up?  Are you holding on too tightly to a person in your life the way you are holding on to clothes that are too small for you and telling yourself that one day they will fit again?  

Time for a good Fall cleaning.  Now is the perfect time to clean out.  Fall is a time to let the dead things fall way, to sweep out all of the cobwebs.  It is a good time to drop off those boxes to Good Will and let their contents benefit others.  It is a good time to get rid of clothing (and relationships) that are too small and don't fit anymore.  It is a good time to clear out the attic and give to others what belongs to them (both realistically and metaphorically).

Unclutter your inner self and your life.  By doing this you make room for the  many other good things that want to come to you but there wasn't any room.

Start small.  Unclutter one area at a time.  You will find a sense of peace and lightness in the process.  Good luck!

In Light and Love-Always,

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"Today I will reawaken my joy by reawakening my creative talents."

Each of us has a part of ourselves that we bury deep inside because we simply don't have time to cultivate it or enjoy it.  We bury our desire to enjoy what we love because we tell ourselves that we don't have the time.  We put aside our personal satisfaction in order to meet deadlines or fulfill family or career responsibilities.

Now it is time to stop that and reawaken that part of yourself that you buried.  Look deep within and see what you have denied yourself and resurrect it.  Dance!  Plant!  Sing!  Paint!  Scultp!   Knit! Run!  Cook!  Sew!  Write!  Whatever form your self expression takes, reawaken it.  Let it bubble up from deep within and nurture it.  Let it come out.  Enjoy it!

If you acknowledge that you deserve the self satisfaction of your creative endeavors, then you will reclaim your joy.  Universe has gifted you with your talent and your love for creative expression.  Use it!  Honor yourself and the Universe by using these talents.

As for myself, I have reawakened my love of crocheting and am working several projects for family and friends.  With each stitch, I invest my joy and pride in creating into the project.  When I look at my creation, I feel happy, not only happy to do the work, but to see the beauty of what I am creating.  I am happy to have the capability to create something that others can enjoy and use.

So, my dears, invest in yourself, honor yourself and Universe by reawakening your love and enjoyment of your creative talents.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, October 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will purposefully learn something new."
Every day is an opportunity to learn something new.  Acquiring knowledge is a beautiful thing.  So, for today, seek out knowledge.  Look up a word you don't know or find out where Tunisia is or memorize the first line of the periodic tables.  Or find out the translation of a common word in another language.
Never let the opportunity to learn something new slip through your fingers.  Make a point to learn at least one new thing every day.  Imagine how much you can acquire by doing this.
Exercise your brain and activate your memory.  Keep yourself in the loop and seek out that which you do not know.
Com muinto amor,

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will recognize that I am an integral part of the whole cosmos."

Nothing can survive in isolation.  Neither man nor beast nor tree nor stream.  All are necessary for cosmic balance.
What we never consider is that the Universe, the cosmos (of which we are a part), is in perfect balance.  We don't consider it because we are so earth bound, so focused on traffic and jobs and struggle that all looks out of balance in our finite world.
But from a more universal perspective, all is in balance.  And all living things work cooperatively to create that balance.
Ironically, the only things out of balance are the individual lives of man.  Man overcomplicates his life.  Creates struggle where none should exist.
What is it about our species that thrives on disharmony??  Are happier because of it?  Healthier?  More in union with the Divine?  NO!  We are frustrated, angry, chaotic, ill, disgruntled.
Why should this be a way to live?  It shouldn't.
Begin recognizing that each of us is a part of something greater, wider, more cosmic than the chaos that swirls around us and tries to envelop us.  Begin recognizing that we are an integral part of the whole, not the whole itself.  Begin recognizing that we are connected to all other living things around us and the more we work cooperatively with our environment and the people in it, the more in harmony with ourselves and with the Universal Source of All That Is.
So, for today, shed your limited mind set and begin considering things from a more cosmic perspective.  You will begin to feel more alive and more vital and more connected to inner working of the entire cosmos.

In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will stop surviving and start living!"

Today is the day to stop just surviving and start living.  Yes, this is a wake up call especially for you!  Yes, I am talking to you.

You have been plodding along, trying your best to make it through the day and then flopping into bed at night exhausted and spent.  You think, "What am I doing?  How am I going to make it through tomorrow if I barely made it through today?"

Well, here is your answer:  If you change your pattern of thought from survival to living then you will wake up each morning with a new goal, with a renewed vigor to LIVE!

Living is about recognizing that Universe is taking care of the things that you cannot take care of because you are overwhelmed.  Living is about shifting your focus from all of the things in your life that weigh you down to finding the beauty and love and joy that exists in your life.  You just haven't seen them because you have been too busy surviving and not living.  Living is about telling the most important people in your life how much you really love them and care about them and giving them the opportunity to tell you how much they love and care about you!


In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, October 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remember that this too shall pass.  I will turn to Universal assistance to guide me through."

This too shall pass.  There is comfort in knowing that nothing lasts forever.  Our troubles, although difficult and sometimes painful, will eventually come to an end.

During this time of strife, turn to Universal guidance and assistance.  Embrace the comfort that Celestial help provides.  Ultimately, the trying times will end and balance will return.

In the times of balance, work on developing more effective coping skills.  Meditate.  Meditation is a wonderful vehicle to take the edge off and maintain personal, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance and health.

Sit quietly.  Be sure you have a few minutes to yourself and that you will not be disturbed.

Begin breathing deeply-in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Breathe in as deep as you can and hold the breath for about 3 or 4 seconds. 

Then slowly let it out.  Exhale all the breath.

As you breathe in, visualize beautiful white and cleansing light filling your body, cleansing your body, disintegrating any and all impurities, stress, worries, and anxieties.

As you exhale, visualize the release of all of the particles of impurities, stress, worry, and anxiety.

Feel your body relax and balance return.

Do this little exercise anytime.  There is always a few minutes in your day to realign your breathing and bring peace to yourself. 

Go always in the Light.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"I will ask the Universe for wisdom, understanding, and clarity."
It is true that if we ask, we shall receive.
Yes, there may be items we need to make our lives more comfortable, but what is essential, is what we need inside.
Ask Universe to provide wisdom, clarity, understanding.  Ask Universe to give you courage and strength to endure that will confronts you.
In you open your heart and ask, Universe will see to it that your requests are fulfilled.  You will begin to see signs of your answer. 
Situations will develop that offer opportunities to gain wisdom, to deepen understanding, and see with clarity.
When we commit ourselves to the betterment of our lives through gaining wisdom, all aspects of our lives begin to fall into place.
Actively work from the inside out.  Improving ourselves through the acquisition of wisdom, understanding, and clarity overflows into our external lives, and soon we begin to recognize changes and improvements.
So embrace the opportunity to gain wisdom and live a more enlightened life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will strive to uncomplicated my life and live simplistically."

Life is complicated enough without making it more so by the choices we make.

There is nothing wrong with a simple life.  In simplicity, there is beauty, and beauty brings us joy.

Make time to evaluate what is essential and what can be simplified by letting it go. 

There is no weakness in saying that you cannot take on any other projects or do someone a favor. 

In doing what others ask, you are simplifying their lives and complicating you own.  I am not saying that we doing favors for others is wrong.  No, I am saying that when are already tapped out, taking on additional tasks, especially tasks that are not truly our responsibility, overcomplicates our lives.

So, dear friends, shed extraneous commitments, tasks, projects, and don't feel bad about it either.  Your life and well being should come first for you.  Keep your eyes focused on a simple life, a simple existence.  Pursue simplicity and see the tremendous difference it makes for you.

"Simplicity!  Simplicity! Simplicity!"-Henry David Thoreau

There is wisdom here.  Embrace the wisdom and practice simplicity.

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will cast off despair and reach out to my Higher Power."

When is enough, enough?  When are we going to stop making ourselves as miserable as possible?

Why do we need to make ourselves as miserable as possible?  What are we punishing ourselves for?  Do we really deserve this type of punishment?  Are we that terrible and horrible that we need to seek out disappointment and failure in order to prove to ourselves that we are?

STOP right there.  STOP!  STOP! STOP!

None of us deserves to live a life of failure because we think we deserve it!  None of us is that heinous that we deserve to punish ourselves over and over again.  None of us is wretched that we deserve to make ourselves miserable for the rest of our lives.

Look at yourself!  What do you see? 

I see a frail human being trying as hard as possible to live a good life.  I see a person with good intentions and a good heart who has lost hope, who has become lost.

Have you forgotten that Universe is on your side?  Have you let go of the cosmic assistance that is available to you?  Don't feel abandoned and alone, because you are not.

Reach out to you Higher Power.  Ask for rescue.  Ask for assistance. 

There are many things that are far larger than ourselves, and alone we flounder and fail.  But the Universe is vast and infinite, and within in this vast infinity, there is hope and goodness and healing and love, above all, love.

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking, "How can I expect a cosmic Universal Higher Power to love me and care for me and help me when I cannot even love, care for or help myself?"

Ah, but there it is.  Universe knows exactly what you are thinking, what is in your heart, even far better than you do.

If someone told you you had a terrible disease, would you seek out help and healing?  One would hope so.  So, what is the difference?  Just because the illness is not physical, but spiritual, doesn't mean there is not a cure, doesn't mean that there is not help and healing.

Turn away from despair, and turn to the ultimate unconditional love in the cosmos-your Higher Power.  Put it all the hands of the Universe, and begin feel whole again, begin to live life again with all of the joy that you deserve.

In Peace, Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will let God out of the box, and deepen my understanding of this cosmic force."

God in a box.

When I was in college, I took a course in comparative religion, and our professor began to talk about God in a box.  I had no idea what this was.  I had never heard of God in a box.  Was it some kind of product?  Some kind of snack or cleanser?  I was clueless.

Then, the more the professor spoke of God in a box, the more the light in my brain lit up, brighter and brighter until, wham, I got it.

I often think of that professor and what he called God in a box, and I have come to really see how each of us has formed our own idea of who or what God is.  We base this God concept on our past, on your family traditions, on our culture, on our training or lack of training as children.

We have formulated a personality of who we think God is.  We have given him humanness and human limitations when, indeed, he is not human or limited at all. 

Each of us only understands a tiny portion of what we know God to be.  And how can we make any real determination about anything without truly knowing what it is?  We can't.

So, instead of limiting the power of God by putting him in a box like a product, open the box and let God out.  Let true love and understanding fill your mind and heart, and truly, maybe for the first time, ask, "Who are you, really?"  Say, "Let me see your work in my life."  Say, "I have no ideas what God is or what a Universal Source is or what All That Is is, but I want to know.  I want to understand.  I want to develop an understanding that I have never had before. 

If we ask, we will begin to understand.  We will begin to get an answer.  And little by little, the cosmic tide will turn, and we will each find out for ourselves what this thing called God or Universal Source or All That Is really is. 

No, I'm sorry, our limited human minds can never comprehend the total of what the Universal Source really is, but we can begin to expand our view of it and embrace it and finally, once and for all, let God out of the box.

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"I will leave the past in the past and start fresh each day."
Every day is a new day, and we can begin anew.  What happened yesterday doesn't matter any more; it is in the past.  What matters is what you make of today. 
When you open your eyes in the morning, what is waiting for you is a day pregnant with possibilities.  It is up to you to decide what to make of the day.
Take a few moments before you get out of bed, just lay there and contemplate the day.  Ask yourself, "What shall I do today?  How can I make this day the best possible day?"
We fret far too much about yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.  When we do this, we rob ourselves of a true present.  We live in regret with "woulda, coulda, shoulda."  This serves no higher purpose.
Okay, so it didn't go so well.  Okay, so you screwed up.  Okay, it wasn't the best experience.  So, learn from it and move on.
How much incredible time we waste lingering over the past and our errors.  We are human and it is our nature to make mistakes, but learn from them and move on.
So, today's message is MOVE ON!  Start fresh each day with hope and the knowledge that the day is a blank canvas waiting for us to paint our masterpiece.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will not give up; I will surrender."
It is in our human nature to never surrender. 
But, sometimes surrendering is the best thing we can do for ourselves.  it is a sign that we have recognized that we have no power in a situation and that if we keep moving, we will surely meet with defeat.
I want to clarify that giving up and surrendering are two very things:  Giving up connotes a loss of hope, a loss of faith.  Surrender indicates a  true recognition that we are powerless and that we must, for our own good, let go and turn over the situation to a higher authority-our higher power.
There is no weakness in surrender. only in giving up.
So surrender, don't give up.
Turn over the situation.  Step back and let the Universe do its job for you.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, September 22, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"Today, I will be joyful!"

Be joyful today!  If we look hard enough, we can find at least one thing in the world around us that gives us joy.  Yes, even when the rafters are falling down around us, we can find joy in something.

The Universe has gifted us with beauty because the Universe understands the demands and challenges of human life.  And in times of great distress, we can look around us and see beauty and be reminded that even though things may be rotten at that moment, beauty still exists.  Beauty and serenity will return to us.  

In fact, beauty and serenity never really go away, we just fail to see it and believe in it, and live it.

So, my darlings friends, look for beauty today, even in the face of trouble, look for beauty.  See the beauty and be joyful!  Momentary joy is better than no joy at all.

Hold your head high, and be joyful!

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will turn my vision inward and work on changing myself."
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
The most difficult part of the serenity prayer is acquiring the wisdom to know the difference between what we can change and what we cannot.
We would like to think that there is nothing that we cannot do, nothing that we cannot overcome, and although that may be true is some instances, it is not true when it comes to people.
We cannot change who people are or what people do.  We cannot change our loved one, our friends, our colleagues.  We just can't.  It is truly not in our power  to do so.  It is not our responsibility to try to change them.
They must be willing to change themselves, and we...we must work on ourselves.  We are the only ones whom we can change.
A close friend of mine used to say, and it is absolutely true without a doubt, "If nothing changes, then nothing changes."
We are constantly looking outward at others and not looking at ourselves, then what can possibly change?  Nothing.
But when we look inward, look at ourselves, examine who we are, why we do things, how we react, then we begin to see that there is plenty about ourselves that we can work on.  This is where our focus should be.  not on the external where we may or may not be able to impact what is happening, but internally where we can be sure that if we put the work into ourselves, we surely can change something.
For, today, turn our outward vision inward.  Seek within yourself what you can change.  Begin working on yourself and your personal issues.  Stop making an excuse for why you cannot, and begin making a promise that you will.  In this way, you improve the most precious gift you have--yourself.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will let go of jealousy and manifest what I need and want."
There is no good in jealousy.  Jealousy makes us bitter and resentful and no good can come from this type of negative energy. Instead, we should focus of what we do have and work on manifesting that which we want to bring into being in our lives.
Actively working on a plan of action and working on the manifestation of it frees us from jealousy, bitterness, and resentment and brings more positive energy into our lives.  Thus, we live more in the Light.  And it is this light that helps things grow, blossom, and bear fruit.
Show me a growing thing that can truly live without light, water, nurturing.  I dare say, you cannot.  for all living things, thoughts included, for thoughts are living energy, cannot grow, cannot prosper without the proper essentials.
So, for today, let go of jealousy.  Turn your attention to creating what you want and what you need.  Turn you attention to forming positive thoughts and sending that positive energy into the creation of wonderfulness in your life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be courageous and change what I can change-myself."
"God...Grant me the courage to change the things I can..."

It is often difficult to tell whether or not we can change that which exists or occurs in our lives.  But being able to analyze the situation clearly is to our benefit.

There are many things we cannot change.  We cannot change people.  We cannot change who they are or what they do, even though we would like to think that we have that much power.

The only thing we can do is to ask the Universe to move in the lives of those people and bring enlightenment and breakthrough to them.

Then we must go about our business and what we know we can impact.  We can work on ourselves, we can work on events that can be directly impacted by our actions.

So, for today, take a close look at what is not working and ask yourself, "Can I do anything about this?" 

If the answer is "yes," then do something positive.  If the answer is "no," then call on the Universe for assistance, and leave the work to your Higher Power.  Focus on yourself and what you can personally do to help yourself and impact events that can be impacted.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, September 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will pray a mighty prayer for the enlightenment of those whom I love who living in darkness and despair."
Sometimes the people that we love are living in darkness.  No, I don't mean they have forgotten to pay the electric bill or that they constantly have their blinds closed.  What I mean is that their lives are so full of confusion and chaos and denial that they just don't ever seem to get out from under that dark cloud.  It follows them around.  No matter where they go, there it is like their own personal thunderstorm.
But what can we do?  We have tried.  We have talked to them.  We have cajoled them.  We have yelled at them.  We have helped them.  We have done everything we can do to try to make a difference in their lives.  To no avail.  Nothing has worked.  In fact, they aren't even that interested in listening to us or to anyone else.
They feel safe in their denial, but what has it gotten them?  Not much.  Not much of anything.  They complain that nothing good is happening in their lives, that everything bad happens to them, that that ache and feel ill all the time.
This behavior perpetuates the negativity swirling around them, bringing more confusion and chaos into their lives.  And thus, the darkness continues.
But can we do?  We can pray for them.  Prayer has power.  Prayer has incredible power to bring about change.  And so for these loved ones, we can let them go, turn them over to their Higher Power and the Angelic Realm for assistance.  We can pray a mighty prayer every day for their enlightenment, for the bricks of illusion to crumble.  We can pray a mighty prayer that Universe moves the in their lives and breaks them down and rebuilds them.  We can pray for these things for their highest and greatest good  because we love them and we want them to have a better life.
So, my darling friends, pray for those that you love.  Pray a mighty prayer.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Today's  Affirmation
"Today, I will choose a path of light and reject a path of darkness."
The spirit of the Mighty, the spirit of the ALL is all around you and fills you if you allow it.  Those who are filled with the loving presence of the ALL open their hearts and let this loving presence in.  But those who do not open their hearts to the Universal unconditional love, will remain by half and are not truly alive in the spiritual sense.
Man has the greatest gift Universe has to offer and that is choice.  Man can choose his own path, but in choosing, man must take responsibility for those choices.
This is where we see a conflict, for man does not always choose wisely but chooses impulsively or chooses not at all.  In choosing not at all, then he chooses nonetheless.
Be cognizant of the choices you make and the path down which it will lead you.  Use the powers of reason that the Universe has provided to think through each step of your path.
All paths are etched in the universe.  each possible path that man can take is already established and so man gets to choose the one that is the most appropriate.
But ignorance and blindness can lead man down paths that are not the best of choices even though they are available for choice.
Choose wisely, brethren, for there are paths that lead directly to the Source and there are others that do not lead to the Source but away from the Source.
Remember, we do not judge, but we do see all the paths; and there are paths that we would like to see man travel.  Choice and free will is a gift.  Use it wisely. 
Use it for ends that will bring you closer to the source.  Reject those that lead to darkness and decay and thus away from the source.  for the farther you move away from the source the longer it takes to come back into the light. 
Do not let your base desires take over your life.  Seek within for the Light That Shines Eternally and let it be a beacon for you.  Move forward ever in the Light and bring more light into your life. 
Revaluate your place on your path and see where you can make adjustments so that as much light as possible shines on you and open your heart to it.
A life of light keeps you in the Light and thus brings you closer to the Mighty.  A life lived in darkness keeps you in darkness and thus away from the Mighty.
Be blessed always and seek the Light,  for in the light there is all good.  Yes, all lessons are important for the advancement of the soul, but some lessons bring more light to the consciousness than others. 
Ignorance is a choice you are free to make, but our hope for you is that you will not choose ignorance, but will choose the Light.
Be well brethren.  We are with you always.
The Guardians of Ages

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will make a plan and a back up plan for myself."
It can be a really good to be spontaneous, but when we always leave things to spontaneity, things may not work out.  This is because we lack focus, and in lacking focus, the energy is scattered and not concentrated on one specific plan of action.
So, make a plan.  Have a plan.  Even if the plan doesn't work out the way you think it will, have one anyway.  It is far better to start the day with some type of direction, some goal you would like to achieve.  In this way, you remain on the right path.
And you know as well as I do, that sometimes things happen suddenly and we are forced to take a different direction.  So to ensure that you are not caught with your proverbial pants around your ankles, have a back up plan, some direction in which you can go just in case plan A doesn't materialize.
Yes, enjoy spontaneity, but have a plan as well.  Take control of your life by planning and back up planning.  In this way, you are more prepared for what might come.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, September 8, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"today I will reach out to the Universe and begin developing a more personal relationship with  my Higher Power."
What makes a hopeless situation less hopeless is knowing that the celestial realm is there waiting for us to call upon them for assistance. 
How many times do we have to bet old that we are not alone.  that we have legions of angelic help at our disposal.
Maybe you're not a believer of angels and other celestial entities.  Maybe you should be.
If you are not or if you are not sure, then I challenge you to reach out to the Universe and all it has to offer and stick with it for awhile and see miraculous changes happen in your life.
For those of you who are believers in angels, are you reaching out as often as you can?  Are you really relying on the assistance that is available for you? 
Perhaps building a closer relationship with Universe is in order today.  Maybe it is time to trust that the Universal Source of All That Is is has been encouraging you to reach out.  And maybe now it is time to more fully develop that relationship.
When you do reach out, when you form a closer connection to your Higher Power, you begin to feel a certain serenity overcome you.  You feel less alone and more empowered.
So for today, begin opening your heart and mind to the Higher Forces and see what miracles begin to happen in your life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin a personal inventory and resolve to release and to close old issues."
It is a good time to begin bringing old issues to a close.  The end of the year is only months away, as hard as it is to believe, and old issues that have been hanging around for months and are still unresolved can be worked on and put to rest.
Before we know it, holiday time will be upon us and then the stress and anxiety will mount with all of the preparations:  shopping, cooking, entertaining.  Don't let yourself become depleted.  This happens when we not only have the stress of holiday time, but have the added stress of leaving issues unresolved.
I do not believe in New Year's resolutions because they are too easy to break.  We make them, but we already know that we aren't really going to keep them.  But making a resolution now, when it is most important is much  more valuable.
Take the time to inventory yourself.  Look back and see what issues you have left open and close them.  Look back for unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior and action, and resolve to let them go.  With old issues resolved, you can head in the upcoming months free of some of the end of year stress and in a perfect position to consider your goals for the new year.
It's like cleaning out the fridge.  Just get in there and do it as unpleasant as may be.  Ask for Universal help.  You know you have a cast of angelic assistance to help you, so ask them for help.  They will come in a mighty way to carry you through the release of the old and prepare your heart, mind, and spirit for the future.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will work on accepting those things that I cannot change."
"God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."-Serenity Prayer
How often have we striven against the flowing tide?  How often have we pushed our way against a brick wall only to become bruised?  How often have we tried to impose our will on events and come up short?
Perhaps this is a familiar story for you.  Perhaps you feel frustrated and angry because all of your efforts have yielded nothing.
Perhaps this is because what you were trying to impact is outside your realm of control.  You have wasted precious energy on something that you cannot possibly impact or change no matter how much you may want to change it.
This is a time to evaluate the situation and ask yourself:  "Is there anything that I can possibly do the impact this situation?"  If the answer is "No,"  then it is time to work on acceptance.
Acceptance is a hard lesson because no one want to feel that he or she is ineffective.  It makes us feel helpless and frustrated.
But, by being totally honest with ourselves, recognizing those things that really do fall outside our realm of control, we become, not more frustrated, but empowered.  We know it isn't us that are faulty, it is the nature of the situation.
By recognizing what we have no control over and accepting that we have no control, we can then turn our attention to what is within our realm of control-US.  We may not be able to control other people or external situations, but we can control ourselves.  We can take a good, long, hard look at ourselves and find that which needs mending, remediating, updating.  And then we can focus our energy on doing it.
So, for today, dear friends, open y our awareness.  Stop periodically through your day, and ask yourself, "Can I effectively enact change on this situation?"   If so, do it.  If not, move on.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, September 5, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will carry on.  I will determine what I need to carry on and ask Universe for help in making it so."
Carry on.
In the midst of all, carry on.  It is so easy for us to withdraw and let life pass us by.  We see others doing and achieving and we look at them and wonder how they do it.  Well, perhaps the answer isn't so simple, but a simple answer is-Carry on.
Earlier this week, I wrote about ownership, about owning our lives, claiming them and taking responsibility for them.
Today, the message is the same.  When we make the choice to carry on, we make the choice to be in charge of our own lives.
How easy it is for us to look around us and say, "I can't."  Instead, we should look around us and say, "I can."
When we do this, we let the Universe know that we are ready to carry on, to move on with our lives.  And when we give Universe the signal that we are ready, Universe will step in a mighty way and help us make things happen.
So what will you do today that is a message to the Universe that you are ready to carry on? 
Perhaps a list would be appropriate.  Make a list or timeline of what it is you would like to see manifest in your life.  Maybe it is a book you've written or a business you have started.  Maybe is the sale of your house or the healing of a child.  Maybe it is better work environment or an rejuvenated relationship.  Maybe it is to cast codependency and disentangle yourself from an unhealthy relationship.
Whatever it is that you need to carry on, Universe will put its hands on it and begin to make it happen.
Be clear and reasonable with what you want to bring into your life.  Winning the lotto is an interesting concept, but seriously, how many other people are asking the same thing?  How reasonable is it?  Isn't it more reasonable to ask the Universe to bless you with abundance and prosperity?  It is.
So, for today, CARRY ON.  Begin considering what you need to do so, and begin making it happen.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will carefully consider what I am manifesting, and only manifest that which is for the highest good of all."
Greetings, Lovelies,
We are here this morning for you.  To give you counsel and brings tidings of joy to you in times of great duress.
Do not let your hearts be saddened when that for which you are striving seems not to manifest for you.
There is a timeline in universe that you may not understand.
We who dwell in this realm understand the cosmic interplay of events, the cause and effects of all things.  We can view much more; thus. we understand more of the cosmic continuum.
We know that there are times when you are disappointed when what you have prayed for seems not to come or it seems as if the Universe has not answered your prayers.
But this is not the case,  Universe always answers prayers.  But it is important for you to understand the nature of prayer.
Many times, multiple forces must come into alignment in order for a certain outcome to come about.  Events are like dominoes and in order for all the pieces to fall, they must be aligned and fall precisely at the right time or the outcome will be premature.
This takes time, so be patient when asking Universe to manifest for you.  Continue to pray for what you want if it is your highest good. 
There are times when Universe averts your requests because what you are requesting may run counter to your highest good and it is Universe's role to protect you from that which is not for your highest good.
When universe answers your prayers, there are times when you are unsatisfied with the answer or you think that Universe has abandoned you because you did not get what you prayed for, but understand this:  Universe does answer all prayers, but perhaps the answer you received is not the answer you wanted. 
This does happen.  So carefully consider what you are praying for.  Consider if it is in your best interest and for the highest good of all.  Ask for nothing that brings harm to others for in doing so, you create karma that will later be needed to repay and the goal of the soul is to move forward, not back ward in evolution.
We, the Angels of the Divine Sisterhood, have much more to share with you.  Bur for now, contemplate prayer, manifestation, and careful deciding on what is and is not for your highest god.
Blessings our darlings.  We will be here again with other messages for the universal source when you are ready to hear them.
Many blessings."
In Light and Love-Always,

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will take full ownership of my own life."
Ownership.  Each of us must OWN our own life.  We cannot look to others to constantly take care of us or take responsibility for us or do for us that which can do for ourselves.
Our lives are our responsibility.  We cannot blame others when our lives go awry.  We must stand up and claim our lives.  We must be the ones to make the decisions that concern us and not make the decisions that we think others want us to make even if we think they will not agree. 
Part of ownership is being willing to do what is right in our own hearts instead of constantly seeking approval from others.  There will be times when others do not agree with our choices, but if those choices are sound, meaning that we are led to them by our intuition, then we owe it to ourselves to make those choices.
If we are not true to ourselves, then we are living someone else's life and missing out on our own lives.
Time for a reevaluation.  Look into the past.  Look for patterns of lack of ownership.  Don't be afraid.  It will take courage to take ownership and some may fight against you or oppose you, but don't cave in.  Stand steadfast. 
Say to yourself, "This is my life.  I own it.  I claim it.  I will follow my intuition and be true to myself."  In this way you will begin to feel more empowered, to become who you really are and do the things you really need to do for your highest good.
Start today.  Don't wait.  You will thank yourself later for making the choice to own and participate in a life that belongs to you.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"I am part of the whole that is God."
"Once again, we come to you with this message:  Man is Divine.  Man is made from the same energy as all celestial beings.  Man is God on earth.  not a god, but the essence of God.
Each man embodies a piece of the spirit that is God, and so man is Divine.
All the efforts of the Higher Realms are intended to bring man back to his essence.  To get man to recognize his inner being as part of the God Whole.  Each man, woman, and child makes up the totality of the whole of God.
We in the celestial realm welcome you back to your glorious beginnings and it is our role to counsel you to reach this knowledge and come back into harmony and balance with all things.
We know this is difficult because the human mind cannot understand the whole, but only sees the part.  But being part of the whole is true nonetheless.
Bring your heart and mind into accord what is good and true and pure.  Work toward this end
choose paths that will lead you back to the center of who you are.
Be part of the jet stream that is the Divine source of all that is.  In this way you move toward your destine as and reclaim your identity as celestial."

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, September 1, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will invite angels into my life and accept their loving assistance."
Look for angels in your life.  Look for the signposts that are answers to your questions.  Look for the wisdom of friends.  Listen to the tiny voice inside that offers guidance.
All of these are angel voices. 
Angels are here for us.  They love us and want us to reunite with the Universal Source.  They know, as we may not, that we are divine. that we embody the same Divine energy as the Source.  We were created from the Source, and that in the end, we will return to the Source of all that good and true and pure. 
Our earthly journey is a short one, and with each lifetime, we encounter the lessons that we need  to bring us closer to our true selves.  And the angelic realm is here to help.  The angels are God's ultimate gift to us.
Our Higher Power knows how difficult the earthly journey can be, and that we cannot possibly do it alone.  So why do we constantly think that we are alone or that we have to face our challenges without any help at all.
We don't.  Acknowledging the existence of angels and asking for angelic help brings them instantly to our side.  They want to help us, and they do, if we ask.
Invite them into your life and see the difference it makes to have the celestial assistance that may be missing from your life right now.
Don't wait.  Just ask, "Angels, come into my life and help me."  The more you invite angels into your life, the more assistance you get, and the more assistance you get, the easier the challenges are to overcome.
Be well and enjoy a growing relationship with angels.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will set a boundary and stick with it.  I will not relent."
One morning, as I looked into the mirror, I saw a woman staring back at me that I did not recognize.  She had my eyes and nose and mouth and hair, but there was something about her that was unrecognizable. 
I stared into her eyes and said to her, "How did we get here?  How did we come to this point where we don't even recognize each other?"  The answer was far simpler than I realized at that moment.  The answer was Boundaries and Limitations.
Over the years, I had modified myself according to what others wanted, what others needed.  I had become, not a better, more mature version of myself, but someone who did not know when to put herself first, to take care of herself.  I became the ultimate doer for others and I atrophied, wrinkled, and dried up inside.  I gave until I didn't even realize what I had done.  This was the woman staring at me in the mirror that morning.
It is essential for our personal health and well-being to determine what our limits and boundaries are.  Before, I thought that by setting boundaries and limitations I was selfish, and that thought made me feel guilty, and it went against everything I had been taught in my very traditional childhood.
But that morning, staring at the stranger in the mirror, I realized that I had been wrong.  I had drawn a line, but that line keep moving farther and farther back until my back was against the wall, and there was nowhere else for me to go.  I was spent.  I had given all that I had and now I had nothing left for myself.
Maybe you recognize this story.  It is a common one.  Maybe this is your story today, right now, and you are wondering, "What the hell do I do now?"
For me, I had to contemplate the empty shell that stared back and ask myself, "How do I fix this?  How do I bring this emotional and spiritual corpse back to life?"  I began to see this person as someone who needed my help, and since I was a helper, I could help her.  I could care about her.  I could nurture her and nurse her back to health.
It took a long time to resurrect her, but it was worth it.  And that is something you need to realize about yourself.  YOU are worth it.  YOU are just as important as everyone else in your life.  In fact, Maybe you are even more important, because if you weren't, no one would have relied on you to do the job for them, to give to them, to do for them at the expense of yourself.
I began with baby steps.  I began with taking a hard look at myself and asking myself, "What do I need ?"  It dawned on me that the invisible lines that were my boundaries no longer existed, and I needed to reestablish them.  Slowly, I began to say 'No," or "I'd like to but it isn't a good time for me now."  Slowly, I began to focus more on myself and become more consciously aware of my own energy level and what was best for me.
I knew I would piss off some people with my new focus.  And I did.  Those who had always been used to me doing for them without question, became angry and said some lousy things, but I shielded myself, and realized that they did this because I would no longer allow them to use the manipulation they had always used to get me to do what they wanted.  Little by little. however, as I stuck to  my guns, they relented, but they tried different techniques to manipulate me into giving in to their needs.  I held steadfast.  Eventually, the dust settled, they relented, and I recovered.
I have found, that if I am not vigilant, that I can get myself right back into that situation if I am not careful.  Recently, I made a pact with myself.  I created two categories:  Essential and Nonessential.
Each day I take the time to evaluate what is essential for me and what is nonessential.  I let go of the nonessential and focus on the essential.  So far, I have managed to keep myself focused and free of all kinds of commitments that would deplete my energy and commitment to my priorities.
I want this story to be a testament to you that if this is your story too, you can resurrect yourself.  You can give yourself a chance to recoup your losses.  You must be brave, however, because people will resent that you are finally maintaining a boundary, and are saying NO.  But don't relent out of guilt.  Hold steadfast to your commitment to have a boundary. 
Give it a try.  Try one incident, maybe with a colleague, since you have less invested in a relationship with a colleague than with a family member or close friend.  Stick to it and see what happens.  Let the results empower you.  If they get pissed off, then you know you are doing the right thing.
Good luck.  I will send healing and powerful energy your way to help you maintain your boundary and your steadfastness to it.
In Love and Light-Always,