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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider my soul and choose the highest possible path to wisdom and knowledge."
Man's soul is eternal;  it never ceases to be.  It is ongoing and forever.  The soul is all and the body simply houses it as it learns the lessons of the human condition.
The soul is the living essence of man.  Without the soul is to be dead.  It is for the soul that the body was created.  As a vehicle for the soul for travel into the human condition and gain wisdom.
The soul is light and energy.  It is not physical.  It has no shape or size.  It just is.  It is just pure spirit and energy.
Man's role is to carry the soul.  Metaphorically, "To lose one's soul" is to lose one's sense of self.  To let the lower aspects of character take the forefront of man's action.  It is to knowingly indulge in that which is counter productive to the advancement of the soul.  It is to stagnate and fail to put into practice the higher knowledge that the soul has gained.  It is to choose the lowest possible level of existence instead of striving for the highest wisdom and knowledge.  It is to know the difference between progress and stagnation and to consciously choose stagnation.
There are those who do recognize the difference between the highest good and the lowest level of existence, but choose the most basic of human existence.  And even in this lowest existence, the soul gains knowledge.  It gains the knowledge of pain and cruelty and selfishness and jealousy and envy and anger and hatred.  And in these things, the soul learns human lessons.
Those who choose a higher path of living, also learn.  They have learned love and compassion and peace of mind.  They have learned generosity and joy and helpfulness.
So, dear friends, no matter what path you choose:  the path to higher living or the path that takes you into the depths of human suffering, there are lessons to be learned.
Learn well.  And progress.
Hold the soul dear and cherish it and let it learn. 
Be well now and always.
In Love and Light-Always,

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