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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today's Affirmations
 "Today I will remember to breathe and to stay focused on the task that I am doing."

"Today I will ask the Universe for clarity of purpose, and follow through with the tasks that Universe sets before me."
Some days it is hard to see where the path goes.  Some days it is hard to decide what to do.  Maybe that is because there is always so much to do and it is overwhelming.  So many paths, so many tasks, so overwhelmed.

But the reality is that we can only really do one thing at a time.  The problem is deciding which thing to do.  At times like this, I have to ask the Universe to clarify my purpose.  I have to ask Universe to make it clear to me what task I should be focusing on. 

Although my purpose may be clear and my task may be clear, sometimes I just don't have the willingness to move.  This is when I need to ask for the willingness and the resolve to get things accomplished.

I have found that when I am feeling like this (like today), I cannot rely on myself for anything.  I need to turn to Universal assistance, and ask for my day's purpose, the task that needs to be accomplished, and the willingness and resolve to do it.

When I ask for these things, they come to me.  I just need to open my mind and my heart to accept the information and then embrace it.

If I trust the Universe Source with my needs, I shall never be at a loss. 

My personal goal for today is to stay focused on what is right before me, to do one thing at a time, even though many things may present themselves at once.  My personal goal is to stay grounded and single minded.  My personal goal for today is to be willing to do what the Universe puts in my path.

In this way, I can get through the day without much difficulty. 

I hope that you also have a day of productivity, willingness, focus and resolve.

In Love and Light,

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