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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be mindful of my root chakra, and work toward fulfilling my own personal, basic needs."
Good morning!
This morning we continue with the chakra series:
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, just above the line that divides the buttocks.  The root chakra is red.  When it is healthy, it is bright red, but when it is clogged, overstuffed, not entirely healthy, it can range from a dark, brick red to a reddish brown, similar to the way blood looks when it dries.  It spins at the slowest speed, and is associated with the lowest frequency.
The root chakra governs our very basic needs, that which we need for our survival.  If we think about early man on the planet, whatever his concerns were for his survival, are our concerns too, and that is the province of the root chakra:  food, shelter, protection.  It also governs our most basic physical needs like sex and the expulsion of waste from our bodies.  Additionally, the root chakra also houses our most primitive emotions, particularly the negative ones, primarily anger.  I am sure we have all heard the expression, "to see red," meaning to be enraged.
Physically, the root chakra governs the large intestine, bladder, rectum, colon, all parts that have to do with the expulsion of waste.
Those who have severe problems with any of these areas, as well as issues like anger management, insecurity, jealousy, sometimes finances (since finances impact housing) generally suffer from an imbalance or clogged root chakra.
Here is a very short exercise that you can do to bring your root chakra into balance:
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap.  Close your eyes.
Breathe deeply:  in through your nose, and out through your mouth.  Breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and then exhale for a count of three.
Repeat this breathing throughout the exercise.
Now using your imagination, see a tiny red light in the distance.  See the tiny red light moving slowly toward you. The red light represents the root chakra energy.   Let the red light come closer and closer.
Now, let it move through your body into your lower abdomen until it reaches the center of the body.  Visualize the small red light.  Now, let the size increase slowly.  Let it slowly grow until it is the approximate size of a tennis ball.
Now imagine that this ball of light has a latch or zipper or button or lock and key-something to use to open it.
Open it up, and let out anything that has been stored there that is no longer necessary to your personal and spiritual growth.  You can visualize these things as cobwebs or smoke or mist or gray fog or dirty water or any other image that you feel is appropriate for you.
Let all of that yuckiness go until there is nothing else coming out.
Next, imagine that a bright, warm light is filling all of the empty space that is left behind from the exiting of the yuckiness.  Let the bright, warm light completely fill this area until it overflows and can hold no more light.
Once this occurs, close it using your latch, zipper, button, lock and key, etc.
Feel confident that this root chakra is clean and sealed and healed.
Take a few deep breaths, stretch your body, and open your eyes.
Feel good today and always!
In Love and Light,

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