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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today's Affirmation

"Today, I will make an effort to seek out a moment of perfection and enjoy it."
Moments of Perfection.
This is the perfect time, on a weekend day, to find a moment of pure perfection.  It really doesn't take much to find one.  All it involves is sitting peacefully, undisturbed, and recognizing that at that very moment, perfection exists.
Because I live in a warm place year round, South Florida, it is easy for me to go outdoors and sit in the sunshine and look out at my gardens.  When I do this, when I just sit, quietly, and breathe, and look out over my personal Eden, and see the rays of sun hitting the trees and plants and see the rippling of breeze across the water in the swimming pool and see the birds clamoring at the birdfeeder, I am convinced that yes, this is perfection.  Then I walk out into the sunshine and close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, on my face and I listen to the quietness and stillness and I say to myself, "This moment, this very moment, is a moment of perfection."
The short perfect moments encourage me.  They make me happy.  They make me realize that in all of the hustle and bustle of such a busy life, I can find a moment to myself, even if it is only for a few seconds or a few minutes, that are perfect.
Perfection does exist but sometimes we are so busy, so overwrought with tasks, that we forget that they do exist, we forget they are just a breath away.
So for today, take a few seconds or a few minutes and look for a moment of pure perfection. 
In Love and Light,

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