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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be mindful of my solar plexus.  Today I will follow my intuition and do what is right for my own personal and spiritual growth and progress." 
The solar plexus chakra is positioned over the solar plexus.  If you feel where your ribs join in the front, the solar plexus is right below that.
This chakra is yellow.  In good health, it is bright and shiny yellow.  But when it is over full, clogged, stagnant, it can appear mustard yellow to a brown-gold in color.
The solar plexus is the area that our intuition lets us know that it is working.  I am sure that you have heard the expression, "gut feeling."  This is because even though our intuition is multi-sensory, it signals us in that center of energy.
The solar plexus also is our center for storing memories and experiences both from this lifetime and previous lifetimes.  It also functions as our center for self worth, self esteem, self image-all of which are formed through our childhood and adult experiences.
This chakra also governs the stomach, and when this chakra is ill, then problems with the stomach can occur.  Those with severe or chronic stomach issues, most probably are storing lifetimes of trauma that have negatively impacted their view of themselves.
In order to keep the solar plexus in good working order and to release any energy that is no longer needed or beneficial, try this short exercise.
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting comfortably in your lap.
Close your eyes.
Take some deep breaths-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and exhale for a count of three.  Repeat this breathing throughout this exercise.
Imagine a beautiful sunny day with a blue sky.  Not a cloud in the sky. 
See the sun yellow, vibrant, radiant, shining above you in the blue sky.
Raise your face to the sun.  Feel its warmth shining on you.  Feel your whole body encompassed in the sun's light and warmth.  Feel safe and wonderful surrounded by the warm, bright light of the sun.
Now focus on the sun itself, focus on the bright, yellow, warm orb in the sky above you.  Let that bright, yellow, warm energy flow toward your solar plexus in a concentrated beam of light.
Feel the beam of the sun's light and warmth penetrating your solar plexus, going deep, deep inside of you until it reaches your solar plexus chakra-a tennis ball sized, center of yellow energy.
As the sun's rays enter the solar plexus, the solar plexus begins to open and any negativity, stagnation, or outmoded views of yourself, childhood fears and images begin to burn away.
Let the sun's light continue to burn away, like a laser, anything in the solar plexus chakra that is no longer appropriate to your personal and spiritual progress at this moment. 
You can visualize the release of the old as either the melting of ice or the shattering and floating away of glass.  You can imagine it in any way that is seemly and appropriate to you.
When you feel that enough old, outmoded, negative energy has been released, then let the sun's beam fill the empty space.  Let it fill till overflowing, until it cannot possibly hold any more light.
Then, close the chakra and let the sun's ray return to the sun.
Know that what was necessary to release has been released and you are now lighter, healthier, and freer.
Go with the god of your choice today.
In Love and Light,

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