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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's Affirmation
 "Today I will be more conscious of the words I speak.  I will make an effort to communicate honestly and kindly."
Good morning and Happy Halloween!!
The throat is positioned over the throat is blue.  It is our center for communication-not only with others, but with ourselves as well.  This chakra governs truth and honesty, and it can also house denial-a lack of truth and honesty with ourselves.
Physically, the throat chakra governs the throat, esophagus, the mouth, the larynx.  People who experience issues in these areas such as reflux, most probably have a blockage in the throat chakra.
When this chakra is healthy, the blue is vibrant and rich, but when blockage occurs, it can be varying shades of darker blue, that range toward deep midnight blue, almost black (worst case scenario).
In order to improve throat chakra health, try this exercise:
Sit comfortable with your fee flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap. 
Close your eyes. 
Breathe-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breath in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and then exhale for a count of three.  Breathe in this way for the duration of this exercise.
Now using your imagination, visualize a small pin prick of blue light in the distance.  Focus on this spot of blue light.
Now see this pin prick of blue light traveling toward you.  As it comes closer, it grows in size until it is about he size of a tennis ball.  As it comes closer, the color becomes more pronounced until it takes on its natural shade.
Let this blue light come closer and closer until it is right in front of you.  This  blue ball of light represents your throat chakra.  Now let the blue tennis ball-sized ball of light permeate your throat until it rests directly in the middle of the throat.
This chakra contains a way to open it-a latch or zipper or button or lock and key or any other method that is appropriate and comfortable for you.
Open the throat chakra.
Release any blockages to honest communication and kind words.  Let go of hurtful words that others have said to you.  Let go of  sarcasm.  Let go of self denial.  Let go of criticism-of yourself and others.  Let go hateful words that you have stored there. 
Let your throat unclench and release any and all blockages to communication.  See the blockages and harmful words leaving the throat as smoke or fog or mist or dirty water.  Let it rise into the sky until you can no longer see it.
Now imagine that you are standing under a blue and beautiful cloudless sunny sky and the sun is shining down of you.  Tilt your head back and let a beam of white, warm, and bright sunlight shine on your throat. 
Let the sunlight penetrate this chakra filling it completely with warm, white light.  Let the white light pour into this chakra until it is completely full and overflows.
Now using the latch, zipper, button, lock and key, or any other appropriate method, close this center securely.
Know that your throat chakra is clean and healed and sealed.  Know that it is now as it should be.  Know that the Universe supports your healing and that the Universe will guide your words.  Know that you can support yourself with honest words and kind words.
Now, when you feel ready, stretch your body and open your eyes.
Have a lovely day.  Enjoy your new communication skills.  Have a wonderful Halloween!
In Love and Light,

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