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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will open my heart to the unconditional love of the Universe."

Good morning to you.  Today we continue our series on the chakras.
The heart chakra is exactly where the name implies-over the heart.  This energy center is green and governs our emotions.  When the heart chakra is completely healthy, it is a vibrant green, like emerald, but when it needs repair, it can appear as a range of darker greens.
The heart chakra houses our feelings towards others and particularly those with whom we are in relationship.  Nothing will turn a heart chakra dark green like bitterness, so it is best to work on our negative feelings towards others so that we can regain our emotional health.
Additionally, this chakra also houses our love for ourselves, because it is very close to the solar plexus, our heart chakra can be influenced by our self image and in some cases, it can harbor all levels of self-dislike/self-hatred. 
To remove any lingering feelings of bitterness and resentment toward ourselves and others, forgive ourselves and others, and to open our hearts to true Universal Love and work toward self acceptance, try this exercise:
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor.  Rest your hands in your lap.  Close your eyes.
Breathe-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breathe in for a count of three.  Hold for a count of three.  Exhale for a count of three.  Continue this breathing technique for the remainder of the exercise.
Use your imagination to see a green glowing heart in the are of your chest that contains your heart.  See the green heart pulsing with energy.  Make note of the shade of green.  This will indicate the level of blockage in this chakra. 
Don't be afraid or disappointed if the heart chakra is not bright green.  Just go with it.
Imagine that this green heart has a latch, zipper, button, lock and key, or any other way that it can be opened.
Open it now.  As it opens, it immediately begins to release whatever has clogged and blocked the heart from healthy emotion.
Let the heart release the blockage.  Let it flow out of the heart.  Visualize the release as smoke or steam or fog or dirty water or whatever image feels comfortable for you.
As the blockage releases, let it rise up and away from you.  Imagine it going up into the sky, traveling upward through the earth's atmosphere and into the universe, into the cosmos where it disperses into miniscule bits.
Say this, "I release all blockages to love, self acceptance, and forgiveness.  I forgive myself and those who have hurt me.  I understand that harboring bitterness, anger, and resentment toward myself and others will make me ill, and I let it go."
Now, picture the green glowing heart getting brighter and brighter, filling with light, filling and filling, getting brighter and brighter until it is shining and pulsing with light.
Now say this, "I accept the unconditional love of the Universe.  I accept all of myself, faults and all.  I love and nurture myself, faults and all."
Now close the heart using the latch, zipper, button, lock and key, or whatever method you used to open the heart.
Know that within this heart chakra is bright and healing energy and that your heart will continue to heal over time.  Know that the Universe supports your emotional growth and love you unconditionally.  Embrace this knowledge.
Now, take a few deep breaths, stretch and open your eyes.
Go forth today with love in your heart and a smile on your face.  All good things happen through love.
In Love and Light,


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