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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be more aware of each of my energy centers, my chakras."
Greetings and Salutations! 
Welcome to the first entry in the chakra series!
What are the chakras? 
The chakras are centers/spinning circles of energy that exist in the spirit part of our bodies, our ethereal bodies. 
The first is at the base of the spine (root chakra) and is red.  Then at the navel (sacral chakra) and is yellow.  The solar plexus is third and is yellow.  Next is the heart chakra-green.  The throat is next and it is blue.  In the middle of the forehead is the third eye chakra which is indigo.  And finally, at the top of the head is the crown chakra; it is violet (sometimes seen as bright white or even golden).
Not only is each chakra is a different color, but each spins at a different rate of speed, stores specific kinds of information, and governs the body parts that are in its vicinity.
Because the chakras also absorb energy as well as store energy, they can fill up, clog up, slow down, and cease to be effective.  When this happens, and it does if we do not maintain the system. then it is necessary to clean them out.
Think of it like this:  If you don't take care of your teeth, then yuckiness builds up and then you are forced to go to the dentist to take care of the problem.  Once the initial cleaning is done, then it is necessary, for good dental hygiene, to do maintenance, and to visit the dentist once or twice a year for a check up.  By doing this, we ensure that all is well and that any issues we have with our teeth will be taken care of, thus preventing greater problems later.
Now apply this to the chakras.  Even though we cannot see them with our physical eyes or capture them on an x-ray or MRI, doesn't mean they don't exist.  And it is just as necessary for our total overall health to not only clear them out once in a while, but to maintain their good health.  If the chakras are clean, balanced, and in good health, then we are balanced and in good health.
Not to overwhelm you with too much information at one time, for today, just work on trying to visualize each of your chakras. 
Join me tomorrow for information about the root chakra along with an exercise that you can do to help bring your root chakra in better health.
In Love and Light,

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