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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will persevere in the face of all obstacles."
Sometimes we just need to put our head down and forge ahead. Sometimes we need to head into the storm, into the blizzard, into the rushing blowing sand.  Sometimes we have no choice. 
This does not mean that it is easy to move forward during times like this.  Times like these are exhausting, they deplete us and they make us question what the heck we are doing and why we are doing it.
Times like this can be discouraging and sometimes desperate. In times like this, we need to breathe.  We need to reach out to whatever Higher Power we believe is out there and offer up a prayer, a request for help.
We need to feel in our hearts and know in our brains that our Higher Power is hearing us, is sending us the help that we need to face the challenge and to overcome the challenge.  We just need to hang on and hang in there.  Help will come.  Help always comes.  And we need to stand firm in our belief that help is coming.
There are lessons in all things, and in this too.  Sometimes the lesson is to courageously forge ahead or to stand up and stand firm in the face of adversity.  Sometimes the lesson is to back down, knowing that there is nothing we can do at that moment that will make a difference in the situation.  Sometimes the lesson is simply do nothing except to ask for help and wait patiently for the Universe/our Higher Power to act.
So, my lovelies, for today, stand firm.  Believe that your Higher Power/the Universe sees all, knows all, and is only a thought, less than a thought away.  Plant your feet firmly, put your head into the wind, and forge ahead.  Be strong and be brave.  Help is on the way!
In Love and Light,

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