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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will use my inner vision to see and sense the world around me."
The Third Eye is called the third eye because it is from this invisible eye that we see that which we cannot see with our physical eyes.  The Third Eye is our view into dreams and into the ethereal and spiritual world.  It is our psychic eye or our sixth sense. 
The Third Eye is positioned directly in the middle of the forehead and is indigo in color. When it is open and healthy, it is vibrant and sparkly, but if it is blocked or closed, then it will appear very dark as to appear almost black.
It is from this center that we can see what is not readily available through physical eyes.  We can see and sense those things that are subtle, that exist in vibration but not necessarily in concrete reality.
From this powerful center we can access information and "read" energy.  We can pick up this information from places, from people, objects such as photographs or jewelry.  We can see into the future realm what the possibilities hold (just remember the future depends on what we do in the present).
It is also the center from which we view ourselves in relation to others and in relation to humanity and the planet.
When our Third Eye is blocked or clogged, our dreams may be fuzzy, vague, disjointed or we may not remember our dreams, we also may not believe that we dream (just because you have no recollection of dreaming does not mean you have not dreamed).
Also, if this center is blocked, then our capability to pick up subtly and sense information is diminished.  If this center is blocked, then we are inhibited from seeing the connection among the events our lives and our connections to others.
Try this exercise to help clear out the Third Eye and bring your sharpen vision into focus.
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap.
Close your eyes.
Breath deeply-in through the nose and out through the mouth-breathe in for a count of three, hold the breath for a count of three, and release for a count of three.  Repeat this breathing throughout the exercise.
Now focus on the middle of your forehead.  Bring all of your attention to the middle of your forehead.  This is where your Third Eye resides.
Using your imagination, picture a closed camera shutter.  Little by little begin opening it.  Take your time.  Let is open slowly, bit by bit. 
As it begins to open, that which is no longer appropriate to your personal and spiritual growth will be released.  It will exit as smoke or fog or steam or dirty water or any other image that you choose to be appropriate and effective for you.
As it continues to open to its full potential, more and more of the stale energy that was trapped in this chakra is let go.
Let go of old, outmoded patterns of thought and behavior, let go of antiquated philosophies and beliefs that no longer serve you.  Let go out outdated visions and ideas that have kept you from making personal, spiritual, emotional, intellectual progress.
Open your third eye to release all that no longer serves you and all that is currently holding you back from reaching your full potential.
Let it all go.  Let it just float away, float up into the Universe to be recycled. 
When all that needs release has been released, let a beam of bright, warm, radiant sunlight shine on your forehead.  Let the beam of light enter your third eye.
Let this warm and radiant beam of bright sunlight shine deep into the third eye chakra and burn away the last of the blockages to progress.  Feel the last of these blockages melting away, leaving the third eye chakra clean and clear.
Now fill this center with the sunlight.  Fill it totally and completely.  Fill it until it is overflowing with light and cannot possible hold any more.
Once your third eye chakra is completely filled to overflowing, begins slowly closing it.  Remember the camera shutter.  Slowly let the shutter close until it is completely shut, housing all the bright light inside.
Your Third Eye is not cleaned and sealed and healed.
The light you have placed in the third eye will illuminate your thoughts, enhance your dreams, and increase your capabilities to sense the subtleties around you.
Begin coming into your conscious awareness and take a few deep breaths, stretch your body, wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.
Go with the God of your choice today and always.
In Love and Light,

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