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Monday, November 4, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will remember that each of us has his own road to travel.  Today I will be patient and compassionate with other people's roads."
Good Monday Morning!!!
In times of lack of patience, it is because those with whom we are dealing aren't doing what we want them to do.  When we lose our patience, it's about our own agenda, not their, and therein lies the problem.
When others don't respond the way WE want them to or the way WE think they should, then, BAM, out of patience.
But we need to remember that each of us has his own road to walk and our road is not necessarily another person's road.  There are lessons to learn in each road for each of us.
Sometimes, we need to refocus and pull our attention toward ourselves, and let others travel the road they were meant to travel.  Sometimes we need to detach from them and let them go the road alone to learn what needs to be learned.  Sometimes we need to support their road even though we don't like the road or approve of the road. 
Sometimes a person's road has nothing to do with us.  It's a road that they NEED to travel because there is something they need to learn or accomplish.  Sometimes we need to be compassionate and understanding about the other person's chosen road, especially if we are in close relationship with him or her.
Let's focus on our own roads today, and let others focus on theirs.  Our journey will be far less stressful and we will experience far less frustration.
Go always in Light and Love.

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