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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will keep myself safe and protected from the negativity of others."
We have all been in the presence of those people who are negative, who complain constantly, who never seem satisfied, who look for misery, and unconsciously, thrive on it. 
We also have been in the presence of those who  crave power and control, who need to run the show and everybody in it, and will force their will on others because they can, because they are in a position of leadership or authority.
Additionally, we also have been in the presence of those who are just plain mean and hurtful and bitter and angry.
These are the people we need to protect ourselves from because we often can become their target or collateral damage when the situation erupts.
But how?  How can we protect ourselves from such negativity?  It is even possible to safeguard ourselves from this negativity and come through their fire unscathed?
Yes.  Yes, it is possible.  There are a few techniques that you employ to keep yourself safe and keep the grossness of these people away form you.  Here are a few.  Choose one that suits your situation.
(1)  Bubble of Protection-Imagine yourself completely surrounded, encased in a giant bubble, like an iridescent soap bubble for example.  This giant protective bubble is flexible but extremely strong.  Any negativity that is sent your way will bounce off the bubble and return to the person who sent it. 
(2) Black Silk Wrap-Visualize the negative or threatening person who has made you his/her target.  Now visualize a  long sheet of flowing black silk.  Black is a highly effective color, because it is so dense, in containing and limiting negative energy.  Begin wrapping the person completely in the sheet of black silk.  This is intended to contain the negativity of the person and causes the person no harm.  Remember, we always want to work for the highest good of ourselves and others.  We never want to cause pain or suffering or harm to others.
(3)  Shrink and Bag-Visualize the person that is causing you distress.  In your imagination, shrink this person down to a tiny size.  This diminishes their negative influence.  Then see yourself picking up this tiny person and putting the person in a black velvet drawstring bag.  Pull the drawstrings tight to ensure the person does not fall out and that the negative energy does not escape.  Now, Tie a helium filled balloon, preferably a white or purple one or perhaps both, to the bag.   Let go of the bag and the balloon.  Let them float up into the sky, into the Universe far, far away from you, and thus, can cause no harm to you.
Keep in mind that all of these techniques are intended to help you, to safeguard you, and not intended as harm to the other person or people.  Always work with the highest of intentions and goodness from your heart.
In Love and Light,

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