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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today's  Affirmation
"Today I will have an attitude of gratitude."
Why is it that we feel most compelled to only think about our blessings and gifts when it comes to the Thanksgiving season?  Good question.
We should look around us more often and see the wonderful people for whom we are grateful.  We should look around us at the natural world and be appreciative of the blue sky and tall trees and the running water and the green grass.  We should feel gratitude for being able to see the leaves change on the trees and the beauty of the first snowfall.
We should look around our personal lives and be thankful for the homes we live in and the car we drive and the job we have that allows us to make the money we need to live comfortably.

Everyday should be a day of thanksgiving.  For today, I will more clearly focus on those things for which I am grateful.  I will see, with more aware eyes, the blessings of the Universe in my life.

In Love and Light, today and always,

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