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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, September 25, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider living a simpler life."

"Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!" -Henry David Thoreau
Ah, to live a simple life!  Don't we all want to live an uncomplicated life?  What does it mean to live simply, to live an uncomplicated life?
Living simply means doesn't necessarily mean to give up your current and go off and live in a cabin in the woods, but for those who find this appealing, then maybe it does mean this!  In fact, I do find the idea very appealing, but unfortunately, impractical.
So, if we are not going to give up our creature comforts then how do we create simplicity?
The answer is simple: If we change our point of view that life has to be hard, that life has to be complicated, that life involves constant struggle, then we are half way there.
Consider what you need in your life, not what you want, but what you need to meet the requirements. 
Do you really need to keep all that stuff in your basement and attic?  Is it serving any purpose or is it just stuff that you have been hanging onto because it has "memories"?  Look, the memories are not in stuff, they are in your heart and mind.  Let go of the stuff and treasure the memories.
Do you really need to accumulate more stuff?  Isn't the stuff you have enough?  Yes, ok, so your current sofa is a mess and you need a new one, so go buy a new sofa, but don't forget to throw the other one away.  When you bring something new into your home, get rid of something of equal weight. 
Do you really need to keep those who bring you grief and pain?  Get rid of them.  Simplify your relationships.  How can you get rid of them?  Unfriend them or limit contact with them or eliminate them completely by severing ties.
Do you really need to hang onto fear, anxiety, pain, disappointment, resentment, bitterness, hatred, low self esteem, feelings of inadequacy?  NO, (excuse the expression, but) HELL NO!  How are clinging to these making your life simple?  They are not.  Work your way through them, ask Universe to help you, seek out a professional, make amends (and don't forget to make amends to yourself), forgive, accept, join a 12 step program if you need to, but simplify your life by moving on once and for all.
Do you really need to be at the beck and call of every person in your life?  No, learn to say, "No, I'm sorry I just can't do that."  And don't feel guilty about it.  Put yourself first for a change.
yes, it does sound simple, but in order to create simplicity, we need to untangle the mess we have created for ourselves first.  Once we have cleaned out, let go, we will have less to manage.  It will take vigilance to keep to a simple life.  It takes work to create a simple life.  But working hard to maintain a simple life is far better than overworking to maintain a complicated life.  Think about it.
If you are on board, if you are tired of complication, if you really are committed to creating simplicity, then take action.  Do one thing at a time.  Creating simplicity is a process like any other.  Pick something with which to begin, like cleaning out a closet or a drawer or the garage.  Do one thing at a time, and when it is finished, really finished, then move on to something else.
Cleaning out your life, brings a freshness, room to grow and breathe.  When you have this space available, the Universe can move in in a mighty way bring you all that you need. 

In Love and Light-Always,

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