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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will not be deterred from my path by obstructions."
As we walk the path on the journey of our lives, we suddenly may find ourselves on the edge of a chasm, at the bank of a deep river, at the foot of jagged mountains, face to face with a tangled jungle, or on a road obstructed by a large fallen tree.  What do we do?
There are experiences like this.  Experiences that stop us in our tracks.  Experiences that seem insurmountable.  These are the events that make us think that we cannot possible go on.  That the journey is over and there is no where to go.
But no, these are not insurmountable.  They are temporary stopping places intended for us to reevaluate.  To make important decisions, to do a self check or to consider what our options are.
If an obstruction has presented itself in your path today, consider its significance and determine wht it has to teach you.
Don't give up, don't feel hopeless.  Rely more heavily on Universe than you ever have before.  Trust that if Universe has brought you to this place, then Universe has a reason for it, and that Universe will help you to overcome it.
Breathe, say a prayer, ask for spiritual assistance.  If you open yourself to Universe, Universe will show you the way.  It is that simple.
Trust Universe to take you across the chasm, across the river, over the mountain, through the tangled jungle, and over the fallen tree.
The other side awaits you.  The other side is calling.  The other side promises wisdom, growth, and the next part of the journey.

In Love and Light-Always,

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