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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, September 4, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will claim authorship of my own life story."
What will today bring?  Today is a blank slate on which you can write the story of the day.  How will your story go?
We tend to believe, or to live our lives, as if we are a character in a story written by an invisible author and narrated by an unknown narrator.  If this is how you have been living your life, then it is time to recognize that you are your own author; you are the narrator.
So pick up the pen and begin writing in earnest.  Begin owning your own story.  Tell it, live it the way that you want it to be.  Stop giving control over the events of your life to someone else who may not care about how the story ends.
We are all writers, all authors, with a story to tell, a plot to move through.  We have conflicts and resolutions.  We have characters in our story-some are antagonists-how are we going to write the story so that we, the star of the story, the protagonist, move through the conflict and overcome the villain?  What errors have we made?  Of course, we cannot white them out or erase them, but we can "proofread" our experiences and evaluate them for what they are so that we don't make the same mistakes over and over and over.
What is/has been the theme of your story thus far?  Look back and look for patterns of thought and behavior and you might find what the theme is.  If you are happy with the theme you have been living, great, if not, change it.
Stop living your life as if you are on a rutterless boat on a violent storm.  Embrace the responsibility you have to captain that boat, to write that story, to own that story. 
Remember, you are the only one who can pen the story exactly the way you want the story.  Own it!
In Love and Light-Always,

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