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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remind myself that, even in times of great darkness, the Light still surrounds me."
"Not all who wander are lost."-Lord of the Rings
Yes, but some are lost.  But being lost is part of the human journey.  It is part of the search, it is part of the process of discovery and renewal.  If we were never lost, then how would we recognize we were exactly where we should be?
If you are feeling lost today, do not despair, the light is with you and that this moment of feeling/being lost will come to a close and the light, once again, will fill your life.
In order to appreciate the light and to recognize the light, we must experience the darkness.  It is in the darkness that we are confronted with our fears and shames and resentments and uncertainties and we question our own purpose, but as we travel through the darkness, and we shed those fears, shames, resentments, and uncertainties, more and more light pours in.  We become illuminated and new.
So, don't despair the darkness.  Embrace it as a time of self discovery and self education.  Look at what your heart is showing you that you still need to do or learn, and them embrace it.
The Light never truly goes away, the Light is always around us, the darkness is generated from within.  So don't think that Universe has abandoned you, believe that Universe is there supporting you, rooting for you to recognize what is most important for you to recognize so that more and more enlightenment blesses you.
In Love and Light-Always,

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