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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin examining what needs to "fall" away from my life."
For all things, there is a season.  Happy Fall Equinox! 
Fall has begun.  Today is the first day.  Make the most of it.  Meditate on what needs to fall from you life in order for it to be more productive and enriching.
Examine the areas of your life:  relationships, job/career, finances, health.  See where you can eliminate those things that have diminished or have become outmoded.  Make a plan to leave behind what no longer serves you.  Look to the upcoming spring 2016 as a time of growth and prepare for it now.
Set all things in order  in your life.
2016 is a keystone year for many.  It is the year in which big changes will take place.  There is lots of movement in the upcoming year, and the best way to prepare, is to begin shedding what is no longer useful to you.
Use this fall season for that purpose:  to examine, reevaluate, and shed.  Before you know it, winter will be here.  It will be a time to hibernate, meaning that the events in your life may seem to stagnate.  Don't fight it.  Let it play out.  Invest the winter in thinking and planning, especially for spring where you will see the payoff of your fall and winter season. 
There is no time like the present season to make embrace a deliberate plan for your future.  Remember:  Fall-analyze, reevaluate, shed, release.  Winter-rest, gather your thoughts, make a plan.  Spring-put your plan into action, see the outcome of fall and winter preparation.  Summer-reap what you have sown and enjoy the results.
In Love and Light-Always,

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