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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, September 18, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will follow my head and not my heart."
We associate the heart with our emotions, and in this case, sometimes it is better not to follow our hearts because our overpowering emotions can lead us into dangerous water.  Sometimes it is better to get our of the heart and into the head.
The "head", the mind, is the seat of rational thought.  There is nothing wrong with rational thought.  Rational thought helps us to reason, to make logical decisions, especially in times in great emotional upheaval.  And during these times of great emotional upheaval, our hearts may lead us astray, they may lead us into places that are not good for us.
When we are in the midst of chaos, the head and heart go to war.  Our hearts, tell us one thing, but our minds tell us the opposite.  It is hard, no doubt to bring the two into harmony and the battle within rages on.  Most of the time, it is the heart that wins, and sometimes it is not the best. 
Today, I want you consider the relationship between your emotions and your rational thought.  Evaluate whether you tend to mostly go with your emotional side or with your rational side when chaos comes into your life.
If you tend to usually give in to the emotional and ignore the rational, then perhaps it is time to try to bring the two into harmony.  Don't discount the rational.  The rational exists to balance the emotional.  And sometimes the rational as opposed to the emotional brings us to a better decision.
In Love and Light-Always,

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