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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will choose my attitude."
What will my attitude be today?  Each day we have a choice of what our attitude will be.  We get to decide. 
If we wake up cranky and sour, we can change it, we can.  It's all in the mind.  It is talking to ourselves, telling ourselves that we can have a good day, that we can have a brighter outlook, that we can smile and be lighthearted, that things can go our way.
Where the problem resides is in our feelings.  We cling to those negative feelings.  For some strange, odd, bizarre reason, we like them.  They comfort us.  And in some cases, we feel as if they empower us.  This is why we don't work harder to amend them into something positive.  This is why when we wake up a Grumpy Gus, we stay a Grumpy Gus.
But, really, what are those negative feelings doing for us?  Nothing.  If anything, they push people away, they see us coming and duck or walk the other way or go on the defensive.
When we do not change our attitude, we, ourselves, you and me, are actively choosing to interfere with the quality of our day.  We could have a good day if we change our feelings about it.
We should want to have as many positive, cheerful days as possible.
So today, if you woke up grumpy, or if you get grumpy throughout the day, change it.  Don't let it rule you.  Choose to smile, choose to be pleasant instead of biting somebody's head off.  Choose to convert your negative attitude into a positive one.
If we do this, we can have a much more productive and positive day.  And we'll get more positive feedback from others; they'll smile at us, be more inclined to approach us, support us.
Try it and see.
In Love and Light-Always,

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