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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I live for myself."
It never ceases to shock me that we spend so much of our time wondering if we are good enough according to what others tell us.  We strive and strive, banging our heads against the wall and our hearts against the stone trying to live up to others' expectations.
Well, maybe it is time to stop wondering if we are good enough according to others' expectations, and ask ourselves if we are good enough for ourselves based on our own expectations.
Look. as the old adage goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time.  So, if this is true, and it is, then why don't we just stop what we are doing and just please ourselves, be good enough for ourselves.
Think about the time that you have wasted worrying about what others thought, what others wanted.  For some, it might be an entire lifetime!  What has it brought you??  Daily feelings of inadequacy, frustration, low self esteem?  Of course it has.  Trying to live life according to what others, who have not lived our lives,  desire, is absolutely ridiculous!  It's masochistic!
Don't be "good enough" for others.  Be "good enough" for yourself.  Live so that you are fulfilled, you are satisfied, you are happy.  Own your life and let others own theirs. 
You deserve a good life, so stop denying yourself a life and begin living it knowing that you are good enough.  Please yourself.  Tune out the ones who are constantly making the rules for you to live up to and start living up to your own reasonable expectations.
Go ahead, I dare you! 
In Love and Light-Always,

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