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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will accept the change that Universe has planned for me."
"Change is good, but it's not easy."-The Lion King
Transition, change, is definitely not easy, but it is necessary.  It helps us to shed the old and welcome the new.  It is meant to bring us to another level of consciousness and another level of living productively.
When change comes into your life, embrace it.   Don't fight it.  You may not know why it is happening or where it will lead, but one thing is certain:  Universe is in charge and Universe is moving you for a higher purpose. 
Trust in the Universe to move you to where you need to be.  Know that although there may be a time of acclimation, it is for the best.  Look at transition as a blessing.
Sometimes it is very, very difficult to remove ourselves from a situation or environment that no longer serves us, but we just cannot let it go or we don't have the means to change it ourselves.  When we find ourselves here, Universe moves in in a mighty way.  Universe brings the old to a close and opens up new opportunities.
Don't be afraid of change.  View it as a positive move in your life. Bless the old for all that it has taught you and brought you and open your heart to the clean slate, to the new life waiting for you.  you can make it whatever you want it to be and Universe supports you.
embrace change.  Do not try to stop it.
In Love and Light-Always,

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