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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I am on a journey.  I embrace my journey."
Perhaps one reason that you may be feeling aimless is because Universe is trying to encourage you to find your way, to embrace the idea that your life is a journey and that you are responsible for that journey. 
Sitting on the sidelines of your own journey may be ok for now.  Sometimes we need to sit on the sidelines because it lets you see what is happening around you and inside of you, but sitting on the sidelines for too long, inhibits the progress you could be making if you just got up and walked the walk.
Wake up each morning and tell yourself, "I am on a journey.  I embrace my journey.  Where shall the journey lead me today?"
Begin by dealing with what presents itself in your path on this day.  Refuse to be rattled by it and look at it as an opportunity to actively take part in  your own life.  Begin developing an awareness of how what you have done and where you have been has a direct correlation to where you find yourself right now at this moment.  Nothing in your life is unrelated.  See every experience and choice you have made as contributing to the NOW.
Make a commitment to yourself; make a commitment to consciously and actively walking the path with purpose and awareness.  Let each step you take today, lead you to your next step of conscious awareness, of true ownership of your journey.
In Light and Love-Always,

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