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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, September 21, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will honor silence."
Sometimes it is just better not to say anything at all.  This one is difficult for me, and this lesson is one that I have been learning since I was a child.  Although I am much improved at keeping my mouth shut, sometimes the urge to blurt out my thoughts and feelings still overwhelms me, and out it comes! 
Many years ago, an administrator of mine gave me a precious piece of guidance.  He said, "Always take the high road."  I knew exactly what he meant, and I have embraced it. 
Everything we do, everything we say, is a choice.  It is a choice to descend into the lower aspects of our character, or to rise above our own pettiness, rise out of our lower aspects of character and to choose rightly.
I try to practice this every day.  I try to gauge my words so that they are more diplomatic and not hurtful to others.  I try to hold back my wicked sarcasm and harsh words so that I do not cause damage to others.
I know, you are thinking, "but what if I want to cause damage to others?  What if I want to defend myself and the only way is to speak harshly?"  I understand, I really do, trust me, but what I have found, is that after I have blasted someone or spoken out without thinking it through, I have always been sorry about it afterward.  In some cases, I felt so badly that I felt compelled to apologize.
I am much better now with biting my tongue, with just smiling, or just turning and walking away.  I am much better with voicing my words innocuously, meaning, that they are harmless words.  They still contain my message, of course, but at least they don't burn and scald.
Let my struggle with my sharp tongue be an inspiration to you to gauge your own speech, to think through what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.
Sometimes, silence is the best option.
In Love and Light-Always,

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