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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, August 9, 2013

Yesterday morning I was sitting on the patio poolside.  The sun was shining, a breeze was blowing, and the sky was robin's egg blue. the sprinklers were misting over my gardens giving all the plants a shimmer. I had my coffee and my book. Life was good at that very moment.  It was a moment one rarely experiences. It is a moment of sheer perfection.

These are the moments we need to find.  Simple moments.  We rush, rush, rush.  We do, do, do.  We focus on all external things, but we fail to just STOP and take a breath and look around and see the beauty the world has to offer us.

Part of bringing serenity, harmony, and balance into our lives is to slow down, is to take that breath, is to look for the beauty around us.  Let it fill us.  Breathe it in deeply, then we can bring that beauty into ourselves. 

Here is an affirmation for today: "The beauty of the world surrounds me.  I am part of a beautiful greater whole."

Love and Light,

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