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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "I accept the assistance and guidance that Universe sends me."

The Universal Source (or whatever terminology is comfortable for you) always knows exactly what we need even when we don't. 

When we have a need, the Universe sends the best possible assistance.  Sometimes that assistance comes from our Guardian Angels, sometimes from the Realm of the Archangels, sometimes from our loved ones who have passed into spirit, and sometimes, from our pet family members.

If you have ever had a pet, then you know how unconditionally loving they can be, and even when they are no longer with us, they are still with us.  Their spirits, like the spirits of humans, endure.

Sarah's Story
About 15 years ago, our family adopted a shaggy terrier mutt named Sarah.  At the time, she was about 11 months old.  She had been in a foster home recovering from an injury that her owner wasn't interesting in fixing; he wanted to put her down. 
But, the vet that the owner took her to worked with an animal organization called S.A.D.S.A.C.-Save a Dog, Save a Cat.  The vet called the organization, and told them that he had a pup with a broken leg and would they be interested in fostering the pup if he could get the owner to agree to put the euthanasia fee toward her recovery.  Luckily, both the organization and the pet owner agreed.
When Sarah was ready for a permanent home, we were ready to adopt her.  She lived with us and was part of our family for 14 years.  As she reached her old age, she began to suffer from a variety of issues, one of which was renal failure-an undignified disease.
My job was such at the time that I could leave during the day and come home and check on her.  I did this for over a year.  But eventually, our family had a choice to make. 
It is always a difficult choice when our pet family members are suffering.  We did not want Sarah to lose whatever dignity she still had.  So we choice to allow her to close her eyes and go to into a peaceful sleep.  It was very difficult, but as a pet owner, it is up to us to make decisions in the highest and best interest of our pet family members, and put our own selfishness and grief aside.
In the middle of the night after her passing, our family began hearing her in our house.  When it was very quiet, we could hear her toenails on the tile.  Several times my son woke up in the middle of the night reaching over the edge of the bed to pet her; he swore he could feel her there waiting. 
My daughter had similar experiences with Sarah-of feeling Sarah at the foot of her bed, for example.
Even my husband, who is a great skeptic in matters such as these, swore he heard her or felt her.
Sarah was our family pet, but among all of us, she was most attached to me.  She would follow me everywhere.  If I went into the kitchen, she went into the kitchen.  If I went into the bathroom, she would sit outside the door until I was done.  If I went outside, Sarah was right behind me.  Sarah was like my shadow.
One Sunday afternoon, I had opened the back door to call out to my husband.  As I stood there, I could feel Sarah against my leg.  Unconsciously, I reached down to touch her, but of course, she wasn't there. 
Later, my husband, as I said, he is a great skeptic, told me that when I stood in the doorway, he saw her standing near me.  It only lasted a split second, but he saw her there as if she were real.
Of course, she was real.  She was no longer in physical life, but she was in spirit life.
I never had believed people who have said that animals have no souls or spirits.  Of course they do!  Our pet family members are the Universe's gift to us, to keep us company, to soothe our angst or pain, to make us laugh, and to love us. 
It is Universe's way of showing us what unconditional love feels like.
I never doubted any of the appearances that Sarah made to our family.  We don't feel her as much as we used to, but every now and then she checks in with us.  One of the kids will dream of her or feel her, or hear her walking through the house.
Frankly, I am glad that Sarah came home to us. It is right that she should come home to us.  We are her family.
Celebrate the love of your pet family member, and know that Universe sent him/her to you to learn lessons of care, love, companionship, and unconditional love.

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