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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "Today I am centered, balanced, and grounded.  My personal power belongs to me."

Sometimes life presents us with chaos or commotion, too many things happening at the same time.  We get overwhelmed, frustrated, flustered.  We don't know what to do first.  We don't know how to manage all this churned up energy.  We walk around all day feeling off our game, left of center, and any other cliché you can think of.

 In times like this, we do not need to be victims of these external circumstances. We can keep our cool and sail through the chaos unscathed and with calmness and confidence.  This is when we need centering, balancing, and grounding.

Centering and Balancing your energy will help to calm you.  It will slow down your speeding thoughts and help you to get a grip.  Imagine an invisible vertical line dividing your body in half.  The exact spot where that invisible line runs through your body is your center, if you prefer, your core. 

Take a few deep breaths, in through the nose and your through the mouth.   Imagine your center line, and focus on pulling in your energy and personal power to that center line.  As you do this, any energy or personal power that you have lost or that has been scattered returns to you.  It shifts back into balance around you. 

When balance returns, your thoughts slow down (so does your pulse and heart rate) and become less frantic and chaotic.  You feel calmer, steadier. You can think more clearly. You can cope better with the chaos or the challenges in front of you.

Grounding your energy allows you to draw upon and use the strong gravitation energy of the earth.  Doing this keeps us steady and focused.  It increases our personal energy and enhances our personal power.  We can tread with confidence through any fire storm.

After centering and balancing your energy.  Imagine the great green earth below you, the very earth on which you are standing.  Imagine the lush greenness, imagine the life energy of the earth radiating upward, through the soles of your feet, rising through your legs, filling your entire body.  Imagine this earth energy as green light.

As you are imagining this, allow yourself to feel the pulse of the earth gravity holding you in place on the earth, keeping you steady.  Let your personal power and energy blend with the power and energy of the earth.  Let them become one.  You will feel energized, stronger, self assured, more capable, more powerful. 

Throughout the day, repeat this little exercise.  All in all, it takes less than five minutes to do.  The more you practice, the better at it you will become and the more quickly you can do it. 

Centering, balancing, and grounding is great to do in the morning before you start your day.  In fact, it can really set a positive tone for the day and get you going on a positive road.

Try it and see!  It works!

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