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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "All things happen at exactly the right time."

It is so hard to be patient.  We live in a society of immediate gratification, of "I want it and I want it now."  But it doesn't work that way.  Things will happen when they are meant to happen.

There is this wonderful quote by Gandalf the Gray in Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring.  He says, "A wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to."  Such insight. 

It is so true.  All things happen exactly when they are supposed to happen.  It is hard for us to swallow that because, again, we want it NOW.

I am in that boat now.  I have sent out  my project to the appropriate people and now it is a waiting game.   Logically, I know it takes time, but my ego is like an impatient child.  I have to keep telling myself, "Breathe.  It will happen when the time is right." 

Patience is the single most difficult lesson anyone can learn.  It really takes self discipline to perfect patience.  Universe knows this and so, Universe gives us plenty of opportunities to practice it. 

What I have been doing to keep my impatience at bay is to DETACH from what I am waiting for.  I hold it at arm's length, and force myself to not to obsess which is easier than being patient. 

When I find myself thinking too much about what I waiting for, I just switch my thinking to today's affirmation, "All things happen at exactly the right time."  I just keep repeating it over and over until my obsessive thoughts calm down.

I also just ask Universe to bless my enterprise and know that it is out there in the ethers manifesting.  It's not ready yet, but it IS manifesting.

I like to think about it like a cake in the oven.  We can obsess about the cake being done.  We can constantly open the oven to check if it's done, but it's not going to be done just because we keep looking inside. 

Cakes take time to bake.  If it comes out of the oven too early, yuck, it is underdone and unsatisfying.  When it is done, it will smell gorgeous, look gorgeous, and taste gorgeous! 

So, this is what I am training myself to be patient for, my "cake" to finish baking.  When it is done, I'll know it and enjoy it so much!  I will eat it piece by piece by piece, AND, I will share it with all those I love.  After all, what good is cake if don't share it with the ones we love! 

Light and Light,


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