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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will take a chance and move out of my comfort zone.  I will keep myself open to Universe moving in my life."

Personal breakthrough comes when we least expect it.  Sometimes we don't recognize when the hand of the Universe moves in our lives, but there are other times, when can clearly see it moving.

Yesterday was one such day for me.  I knew immediately that the Universe was moving in my life.

When we pay attention to the events that occur in our lives, we begin to get a sense of those moments that are important, moments when Universe calls us to step up and DO something beyond our comfort zone. 

If we can put our fear and hesitancy aside, and just, as Nike says, "Just Do It," then we are rewarded with surprising results.

Yesterday I took the challenge and moved through the event.  It took courage and I was scared and nervous, but I pushed through it anyway.

Not only did I succeed and get a  positive reaction from a family member, but my actions opened up a floodgate of insight.  It was a true breakthrough.

So, my dear friends, move out of your comfort zone when Universe calls you to do something challenging.  Be surprised at what can be accomplished when you do so.  Open yourself to the moving of Universe in your life.

Progress can be made, but you have to accept the gauntlet when it is thrown down before you.

Be brave and move forward.

In Love and Light, Always.

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