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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will take the time to look around me and see the pulse of life in all living and growing things.  I will use my observations of nature to bring myself into balance."

Growing things makes one feel alive.  It connects us to the living earth.

There is power in the soil, power in the green leaves, power in the roots that drive deep into the dirt.

Even if you are not a plant person or you don't have a green thumb, there is no reason why you cannot simply put yourself in an environment with growing things. 

Even in winter, there is power in the sleeping tree.  Deep inside the dormant drunk and branches, there is a living blood that runs slowly upward, flowing through the inner core that keeps it alive.    It is not a mystery but a miracle of life.  A perfect example of the way that life cycles through all of the seasons.  It is an example of our own life cycle.    A time for green and growing, a time for sleep and rest, and a time for rejuvenation.  All is necessary for growth and blooming.

Take the time to see, to really see, the life that pulses around you, even in dormancy.

Look at how the tree can support the power of ice or rain. Look at how it bends with the wind, not against it.  Look at how it reaches and spreads itself in the sunshine.

Let us learn from this.  Let us respect the dormant times as we love the flowering season.  Let us respect the flexibility and strength.

Let us use the green growing things as a guide to our own lives.    Don't fret over a time of dormancy in your life.  Use it to rejuvenate and gain strength.  Use the power available to you, the sun, the Universal Source of all that is good and true and pure to grow and stretch and reach high above you.

If we can see the life growing and pulsing around us, and really, I mean really, see it, feel it, listen for it, then we too, can come into balance.  In nature, as in ourselves, there are no mistakes.  All is as it should be.

In Love and Light, Always,

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