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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin taking responsibility for my own wellness."

There comes a time in our lives when order is disrupted and chaos reigns.  When we are at this place, at the bottom, it is time to reprioritize.  Chaos abounds when we are out of balance and have neglected to take care of ourselves the way we need to be taken care of.

Breathe, unclench the hot spots for storing stress-the jaw, shoulders, temples, and base of the spine/lower back muscles.  Surrender.  It is the hardest thing to do, but if we surrender to the will of the Universe, and recognize that Universe can and does take care of us far better than we or anyone else can, then we can begin to release the chaos and bring all parts of ourselves back into balance.

Sit down, get a sheet of paper and a pen.  At the top, write this question, "What can I do every day to ensure that I am well and in balance?"  Then just start making your list.

Some of the things I have written on my "Wellness List" include:  Walk/Stand barefoot on the grass; Remember to breathe; Center and Ground myself;; Eat at least one healthy meal a day; Show gratitude for all the blessings that Universe had brought into my life; Pray/Meditate; Show kindness to others even if I don't feel kind; maintain my boundaries. 

This is not, by any means, the extent of my list, but these are some of the simple and important things I can do each day, quickly, to ensure my own wellness and to ensure that chaos stays away.

For so long, we take a back seat in our own lives, and fail to maintain our perimeter.  Move now, out of the passenger seat and into the driver's seat.  Take charge of your own life.  Bring chaos to an end, and ensure that balance and harmony are alive and well in your life.

In Light and Love-Always,

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