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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will stop fueling my resentment with negative energy and pray for the enlightenment of the person that I resent."

We can't help but form resentments against people who have hurt us in some way, and sometimes those resentments are so strong, they well up inside us and take us over-this is one of our inner demons.

How can we combat this?  It is so hard to remove this strong demon from our emotions, but it is possible.

Instead of trying to wrestle this emotion, instead of trying to forgive when we are not ready, we can shift our focus from the resentment to enlightenment.  What I mean is that instead of asking Universe to remove our resentment, we can ask that the person whom we feel resentment be enlightened by Universe.

I am currently in this position.  I have wrangled with strong resentment against a particular person for about 3 years.  I'm sure you recognize the fire in the gut that comes when you think about a person that has caused you such great harm and continues to cause injury.  Well, this is how I feel when I think of this person.

I have tried many things to reconcile this resentment, all to no avail.  Finally, an enlightenment flashed in my brain:  Pray for the enlightenment of the person.  Turn this person over to the Universe and ask that this person's mind, heart, and eyes are opened.  This is all I can do-shift the focus from trying to forgive and being unsuccessful to focusing on the well-being of the person. 

If you find that you are sharing this same situation with me, then try shifting your focus,  Instead of fueling your resentment with more resentment, and feeling resentment whenever you encounter this person or think of this person, then visualize this person inside an bright and vibrant orb of white light.  Ask Universe to bless this person with wisdom and enlightenment.

By doing this, both you and I can stop the negative energy that we have poured into exacerbating this negative situation.  Pray for me as I pray for you in this endeavor.

In Love and Light, Always,

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