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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will feel the sun on my face and radiating all through me and around me.  I will be reminded that this radiance is the radiance of the Universal Source."

Lift your face to the sunshine.  Feel its warmth radiate through your body.  Let it flow through you and around you.  Let it fill you completely.  Know that you are completely surrounded by its light and warmth. 

This feeling is similar to the feel of the Universe around you.  There really is no accurate comparison to the way that Universe embraces us, but if you do take the time to stand in the sun it will give you an idea of the complete and awesome power and light and radiance of the Universal Source.

So, for today, feel the light and warmth around you.

If you are unable to go outdoors or if the weather is not right, then simply close your eyes and visualize yourself standing in the sun.  Imagine what it feels like to be bathe in light and warmth.

Be well today and always,

In Love and Light, Always.

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